Chapter 17

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Aaron's POV:
I'm so excited to film Where's my Romeo today! As soon as I woke up, I quickly got ready and drove to the studio. I was a little early (more like a half hour early) so I started reciting some of my lines. I kept jumping back and forth, pretending to be all of the different characters in the scene. (Of course I was reading from the script! I didn't just I memorize everyone's lines!) I finished all of episode one and I still had a couple minutes to spare so I started episode two. After getting almost all of the way through the episode, I came to my favorite scene! "I guess I had more time than I thought!" I said to myself before starting the scene.

Roni's POV:
"We're here! We're here!" I said excitedly when I saw Daddy turning into the parking lot. "Calm down, Roni! I'm excited too but you're literally jumping up in your seat! That's dangerous! The car is still in motion!" Nessa said while laughing. I laughed also and then Daddy parked the car. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. I heard someone reciting lines which sounded like they were from the series, so I figured we weren't the first ones here. I quietly walked over to see who it was while Nessa was helping Daddy get stuff out of the car. "Aaron!" I screamed in my head because I thought of the perfect way to announce my presence to him😂.

Aaron's POV:
"I- I mean you're smart and pretty and beautiful too." I said and then jumped to the side. "I've never admitted that to anyone before." I heard Roni say before I got the chance to. "Roni!" I said and saw her standing next to me. "Stay in character Tyler!" she whispered while nudging me. I got back into character. "I must really trust you." she said while looking up at me and smiling. We leaned in and kissed just like it said to in the script.

Roni's POV:
After a couple seconds, we pulled away and greeted each other as ourselves instead of our characters in the series. "Hey Roni! I missed you!" Aaron said while hugging me. "Hey Aaron! I've missed you to!" I said and hugged him back. We stood there for a long time just hugging. It was one of the best feelings in the world to be in his arms. I felt so protected, like it was us against the world! "RONI COME ON! Oh hey Aaron! WE NEED TO START NOW!" Nessa said and we followed her inside, a little embarrassed. We didn't realize, but today was just the read through. I sat next to Aaron (of course) and Nessa sat next to some guy named Marco. "They look really cute together!" I whispered to Aaron. "Yea but not as cute as us!" he whispered back and I giggled. Aaron is the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and I love him so much! I'm so happy he's mine!

Omg thank you guys so much for over 2k reads! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting a lot but I just recently got friends and I was hanging out with them on the weekend😂 and I've been super busy with school and homework and after school activities so yea! I hope you guys liked the chapter! I will try to post more often!

Strangers to friends, then best friends, and so on?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن