Chapter 14

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Roni's POV:
We've been writing the script for our new series for hours now and it's finally finished! This is definitely going to be my favorite series we ever do on this channel! It's filled with drama and comedy and romance and a whole bunch of good stuff! And the best part is, I get to film it with a lot of my friends for a couple days in a row! "Daddy, we need to cast everyone and tell them what they were cast as!" I say to my father. "It's all up to you and Nessa. I'm not doing anything else other than filming and editing it!" he replies and walks out of the room. "Great!" I say to myself sarcastically. "Nessa! Come here! I need to talk to you about our new series!" I call up to her. "Ok I'm coming down now!" she says and skips down the stairs.

Nessa's POV:
After another hour of working on our series, everyone is casted and it's time to send out the emails to tell them who they are going to be playing. This is what the emails look like.

Dear (name),

You were chosen to play (character name) in our new mini series. Congratulations! We will send out the scripts tomorrow and filming will start next week. More details will be sent out with the script. Thank you!

Veronica and Vanessa Merrell

After the emails were sent I turned to Roni and said, "Hey, Roni! You wanna have a girls day for the rest of today?" "I'd love to! I really need some time off from all of this work!" she responds. We agree to go to the spa and then to the mall.

Roni's POV:
I had such a fun day with Nessa! It was so relaxing and very much needed! We both have been working so hard on our mini series and we haven't had any time for ourselves! I decided to text Aaron because I haven't seen him in a couple days and I miss him.

Roni: Hey babe! What's up?
Aaron: Nothing much. I'm really tired and I really miss you!
R: I miss you too! You wanna hang out tomorrow?
A: I'd love that! 10 at my place?
R: That's perfect! I'll see you then!
A: See you tomorrow! Goodnight!
R: Goodnight Aaron!

I realized I was also really tired so I got ready for bed and then went to sleep.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry it's kinda short! I just didn't really know what else I wanted to put in it because this is like an in between chapter. The next one is gonna be super long and very eventful so get ready for that! Idk when I'm gonna post it though. I guess whenever I finish writing it😂

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