:) 40- Salty Sauce (:

Start from the beginning

"I never got my prize," I decide to remind Chase.

"Your prize for eating more dumplings?"

"Yup. I get to ask you my pending question."

"Haven't I suffered enough already?"

I laugh and grab his shoulder, "Not yet."

He decides to pout again, giving me his irresistible puppy eyes.

"No, I'm not falling for it. I get to ask you a question."

"Lucy, you don't want to do that."

"Are you trying to hypnotize me?"

Chase scoffs, "I'm just looking out for myself."

"Mhmm, narcissist."

Chase sticks his tongue out at me and blows a raspberry in my face.

Cute, Chase. Real cute.

"Stop being such a whiny baby and suck it up."


I roll my eyes, "You're just sad you lost, bitch."

Chase gasps, "I'm sad I threw up."

"You looked fine doing it, don't worry."

"It tasted like soy sauce."

"Salty sauce."

Chase laughs and finally stays silent to give me the floor. I smile grateful that he's put his ego behind him so I can ask him the crucial question.

"So, who's that girl you like?"

Utter and complete silence. Chase's eyes go big for a second and he laughs nervously. His hand subconsciously goes to the back of his head. I try not to laugh at the thought that someone could make Pretty Boy Chase nervous. I guess we all have our weaknesses.

"I, umm, I," He keeps hesitating his answer, "Stef."



"Holy shit."

Chase laughs a little but the uncomfortable tension in the car was palpable.

"Wait, can I ask you a question?" I ask him.

"What's that?"

"Why'd you never wink at her?"

"Because I don't want to fuck her, I want to make love to her."

A fuck boy with morals. Romance.

"Did you ever tell her?"

"You said a question. One," He points his index finger at me to make his point.

"Come on. A question for a question?" I try to bargain with him.

Chase thinks about and finally nods his head, with a little bit a defeat though.

"Yay," I clap my hands and smile at him.

"I was about to tell her, but then the whole thing with Zach happened."

"The party," I remember.

"The party. Remember I'd asked you where she was?"

I nod, "Yeah."

"Well, she was drunk and grinding on Zach."

I frown and look up to Chase. I meet his eyes and smile weakly. I couldn't even imagine how he must feel having to witness the girl you like rubbing up on another man. It really does hurt the heart.

"I'm so sorry, Chase."

He shakes his head, "You couldn't have known."

"Alright, what's your question?"

"Why did you agree to help me?"

"Because," I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know."

"There has to be a reason," Chase urges me to dig deep.

"I guess I wanted to get to know the real you. You know, the one I knew in elementary school."

"Those were the good old days."

"The days I had a crush on you," I smile.

"I was such a dweeb," Chase laughs.

"A cute one, though."

"You mean pretty. I was a pretty boy."

"You were Pretty Boy Chase."

I look at Chase and we make eye contact. Our silence is brief before we both start dying of laughter.

"We did not just make that awful joke."

"Yeah we did. Fucking amazing."

After some light chatter I get out of Chase's car and go home up to my room. It was almost midnight and I was bubbling with energy. Hanging with Chase was always so fun that it got my adrenaline pumping.

I quickly get ready for bed and cuddle up with my covers. A good day come to an end. I flip over and grab my journal from my nightstand. It's that time of day again.

Dear Douchetard,
Today was Edward and Grayson's date. I know very exciting. Guess I'll hear all about that tomorrow. I went out with Chase tonight who, you would've never guessed, has a crush on Stef. I wonder what'll happen with that. Stef and Zach have been distant lately, but that doesn't really mean anything. I'm just rooting for everyone's happiness. James and I went for sushi today and it was honestly great. We haven't talked about our status yet, oops. I mean I guess there's not much else to tell. I'm doing good. It's almost prom. And it's almost my birthday. Alright, goodnight.

Hahaha, I'm doing so good. I love writing with Chase. Makes my days so much better. Vote and Comment because Chase is a pretty boy. :)

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