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"So this is how you have been living?"

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"So this is how you have been living?"

"pretty much..."

"And you are some of the privileged ones?.." Iris could barely listen to the beautiful woman, blinking heavily as the words rang throughout her head.

Don't exist? They have to? Don't they?
Questions rang through her mind until she was feeling dizzy at all the possibilities and possible answers of all of queries, Daniel's too. She gently opened the door to the car weekly as they all set up camp in the twilight hours, reading 5pm on the truck's dash. It was all a show, a literal show, everything was a lie and fiction was made reality and now the letter she had received seemed more intensely true and not negotiable. She felt her head spin, her heartbeat so loud and thumping in her ear as she tried to focus on something, anything. She followed Corbyn, Zach, and Kristen across the campsite as they explained every detail of their every day lives until they were blurred figures.

Jack dropped the tent bags in a pile before turning to see the girl over his shoulder, as pale as a ghost and chest heaving, leaning on the drivers seat. His heart ached for her, she surprisingly was taking this the worst and he wondered if that little white envelope had to do with the pain illustrated across her face. He was right but he knew next to nothing of the thoughts and emotions going through her head. She cursed at the world silently for the power laced in her veins of flame and for meeting these people who meant the word to her but was now going to be the cause of her father's death. What Kristen had said seemed so true to her and everything Daniel and herself had talked about had fit together in a perfect puzzle.

Daniel felt a weird buzz as he walked around finishing their simple set up in hopes that Kristen would maybe help them reunite with their parents. It was relieving to know that it was the governments trick rather than his family's love being false. It made him feel paranoid though thinking of the camera's Isla has pointed out once. A tv show, did they not realise the kids were outside their walls? It confused him to think about the heavy topics involved. Looking over at Isla as he placed the pots around their campfire, he noticed Jack steadily walk over to her pale face, his lips moving softly unheard.
Another confusing topic was Jack's actions this past month. He went from this aggression and ignorance towards Isla, to the gentle, kind, calm and maybe slightly in love with her Jack. It was a nice change but he couldn't work out the initial motives of why he disliked her for so long. Was it because he knew she had an effect on him? Or maybe he didn't like the idea of change after these past few years in a straight routine? Regardless of why, Daniel couldn't help but come to the conclusion that for all of them Isla was a sign, a sign that the world around them isn't right, a sign that life is more than killing and camping, a sign that there is something better in all of them. With Isla around, things felt different.

Daniel himself felt more curious with everything around them, Zach had started living in the moment, Jonah had learned to be more welcoming and understanding, Corbyn had learnt more about the the universe somehow and Jack had realised change was okay. She was like a strange omen. Like a spirit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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