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no one saw what was going to occur.

how the world changed in a couple of days.

the government weren't afraid.

I was only 14 when the announcement headlined every program, newspaper and poster around the world. Just like Nazi Germany the propaganda gained control and rocked communities across the world. I recall finding a magazine on the counter in the kitchen, one of my father's possession. The article bought tears to my eyes, realising the data was about me and only me but used to create fear in the eyes of the adults, and
what overpowers fear? nothing ever seems to.

the response to the document was exactly how those richass politics planned, parents pushing their beloved children out of their homes to the closest "disinfectant" factories. the "disease" was labelled as vicious with side affects of death on the children and impact on their own health. as well as a produced statement that "every child between 10 and 21 must be vaccinated immediately" before listing all the places available to received the 'medication'.

they lied to every person that came in the wide doors of the factory, splitting the families apart, microchipping the poor teenagers that had confusion laced in their irises and leading the worrying adults to rooms, where memories of their children were wiped away as if they had never celebrated their birthday with them or cooked a meal that was eaten at the dinner table.

as soon as the parent had left the building they set the child to live outside, beyond the boundary of safety made of young children growing up and adults. The open space was dangerous for such young people to live with nothing but the clothes on their back. However all the government did was begin to boot up the visuals on the microchipped humans.

as the first day rolled over, more and more were arriving at the factories, feeding into the detrimental process that lowered the kids chance of life. with more parents leaving the building, like a genocide forgetting their children.

once a week had passed and the kids had
banded together in hope to continue 'thriving' in the dangerous environments. But others trekked out trying to find essential needs. Many died in the initial weeks of hyperthermia, influenza, heart failure, starvation, dehydration, animal bites, poison, pneumonia and other viral diseases.

some that were left began to loose their mind.

the outbreaks of insanity that appeared was more than the government has anticipated watching the vitals on giant screens in labs and cameras that were placing in places to keep an eye on the individuals. from this a cunning plan was formed to create a flow of money to the parliament house from the adults who died for the entertainment just like the hunger games and to control the teenagers that were becoming literal animals.

a message was released to the teenagers running or murdering for their lives, conveying to "kill or be killed" with rewards that would be offered for a kill which would allow survival within the landscapes. basic needs like food, water and blankets were up for offer; to deadly weapons for protection and vehicles. After this, they began to create episodes of "the test" which they had named it, bringing views rapidly in by the third release.

but the kids kept fighting on.

near the end of the second year, most of the packs had broken apart and over half the child population had been exterminated. still a 'poorer' part of the teenagers existed, some refused to kill leading to no awards, close to death or were the runt of the groups treated terribly. as for others they had the supplies they needed and were continuously killed people, now addicted to the feeling of a life being taken and the blood being shed on the ground in a puddle.

once a teenager turned 21 they were given a pension and a chance to live in the real world but as soon as they exited into the boundaries of adults, the memories they held were taken and only occasionally appearing in nightmares of their time in the wild.

the rest remain in this 'game' tortured by the authorities of the world while the parents believed that the constant show on television was just a fictional action containing millions of actors.

how do you keep going when the worst things have happened? what do you have to change to survive? because this isn't living, none of us are we are all numb in pain trying to live on the outskirts of civilisation.

soon there was to be no kids.

us kids are outcasts.

I am an ᎾᏌᎢᏟᎪᏚᎢ.

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