Chapter 5: Heartbreak

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"Holy fucking shit!" I say, blushing cutely. "I'm in love with you too, Liam."
Liam looks at me with his beautiful bloodshot eyes. "R-Really?"

"Yes, really."

Liam smiles at me and leans in closer. "Cool." He whispers. Then he kisses me. "Wanna be my girlfriend?"

"OMG YES" I scream, throwing my hands into the air and accidentally smacking Harry, who had just entered the room. "Holy fuck, sorry Harry."

"Whatever" He says, walking past me into his personal gun collection room. I look after him, worried. "Is he ok?", I ask , "He only goes in there when he's stressed."

Liam looks at me funny. "How do you even know that?"

I smile and bat my blue ocean azure teal eyes at him. "I AM a fan of the band, remember?"

Liam blushes. "Ok I guess" He says. We stand there for a moment before we hear a crash outside.

"Holy guacamole, what was that?!" I scream, jumping into Liam's strong arms.

Liam looks down at me. "It was just a practice bombing. The US Air Force flies over here and drops dummy bombs all the time to practice their aim. I don't think they know we live here."

I sigh in relief. "Oh okay... wait. DIDN'T LOUIS SAY HE WAS GOING TO THE BOMBING TRACT?!" I jump out of Liam's arms in panic. Liam gasps. "He was! We need to go find him, I thought he knew better than this!" We run outside in a panic and hurry to the barren field where Louis said he'd be.

I look down into the pit and freeze.

No... it can't be...


Liam grips my arm. "Susan... We need to get the others."

I shake, staring at Louis' dead body. "Liam, he got hit... The dummy bomb hit him... Why did he go?! WHY?!" I scream as I sink to my knees in grief, tears sliding down my porcelain cheeks. Liam helps me to my feet and leads me away from the pit and back towards the mansion.

When we get back inside, Harry and Zayn are in the living room. They turn towards us and see my tears, their eyes widening in worry and surprise. "Susan! What's wrong?!" Zayn says, rushing over to Liam and I.

"Zayn... it's Louis." Liam says quietly. Harry walks over to us. "What about Lupis?"

Liam stares at the floor. "It's... He was outside while the Air Force was doing their practice runs. One of the bombs hit him in the head... Guys... He's..." He trails off, unable to say the awful truth.

"WHAT THE FUCK? THAT DUMBASS BASTARD! I TOLD HIM! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Harry screams, grabbing the floor lamp and swinging it at the wall, shattering the bulb into a trillion shards. Then he runs through the door. Zayn follows him.

Liam turns to me, a tear rolling down his face. "Susan... We need to talk. I can't keep doing this. You never pay attention to me. It's all about Louis' death with you. You've only kissed me once. I can't do this anymore, Susan. I love you, but... We're done." He says, holding me at arms length and looking me in my marine eyes.

I gasp in shock and heartbreak. "Wh-what? You said we'd be together forever... I wanted to marry you, Liam! What the hell!" I say, my voice rising to a shout as I cry and push him away.

Liam stares at me. "When did I say we'd be together forever?" He turns and leaves, heading towards the mansion's rec room.

I sink to the floor, sobbing. My heart is broken. It'll never be repaired. I'll never love again. My relationship with Liam was the best 20 minutes of my life, and I'll never forget the joy he brought me.

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