Chapter 9: Fugitives

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The plane rattles as the air pushes against it. Random metal pieces start flying off as we near the ground.

"This is all your stupid fault, Harry!" I snarl, gripping Harry's throat. Harry coughs.

"It's OK guys, we have ejection seats!" Zayn says and pushes a button on the dashboard. Suddenly our seats are launched through the roof.


Zayn looks at me. "Dude calm down." He says before tossing me a pistol. "The government is still after us, use this to defend yourself."

My blue marine navy baby blue eyes well up with tears. "I-I-I d-don't w-w-wanna k-kill someone!"

"Too bad!" Harry snaps as his chair drifts by me. He already has a machine gun at the ready. "Here they come!" I look up just in time to see the government agent eject from his own plane. All of us immediately start shooting at each other. I gasp as a stray bullet punctures my chair's parachute.

Zayn's head swivels around 180 degrees to look at me when he hears my gasp. "Don't worry, my love!" He cries, shooting the government agent dead without even looking. "I will save you!"

I stare at him. "You look gross"

He reaches towards me, but is interrupted by our chairs landing on the ground. I get up gracefully, brushing the nonexistent dirt from my pristine dress.


I look over at the curses to see Harry trapped in his parachute, flailing his fists. He goes still for a moment, then a blade pierces the fabric and tears it to shreds. Harry stands up, his knife arm retracting and switching back to a human hand as he walks over. "Nice job, gang!" He smiles at me and Zayn. I giggle cutely. Harry frowns. "Shut up" He says. Life sucks.

"What now?" Zany asks.


"We need to find somewhere to hide" Harry says, "We need to go on the run." He walks away and we follow him to a hidden dock at the edge of the island. "Here it is... My jet speed boat."

I gasp and gape at the boat. "Oh my goodness!"

"Once we get on this, there's no going back. Make sure you're ready." Zayn says.

"what" I say, already on the boat.

Zayn sighs. "Never mind..."

Then we're off.

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