Chapter 4: Aftermath

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When I wake up, it's to Liam shaking me by the shoulders. "Wake up" He says "You're late to Niall's funeral." My blue azure ocean eyes snap open and I sit up suddenly, bashing my skull against Liam's. I can't believe Niall's dead. I start to cry and Liam stands, pulling me to my feet violently. "Come on, we need to go." He says, forcing me into a black dress. It's uncomfortable over my pajamas.

When we get into the car, the rest of the band is already there. "Fucking finally." Harry says, glaring at us in the rear view mirror. We immediately speed away from the mansion at 70 miles per hour towards the only other building on the island, a funeral home. Harry slams the brakes as we arrive, bringing the car to a sudden stop. Niall's body slams against the back of my seat.

Getting out of the car, we walk in single file towards the single hole dug in the ground, Harry in front while Zayn brings up the back with Niall's corpse. We circle around the hole and drop Niall in. "I would like to say a few words." says Louis, folding his hands solemnly. "Niall was cool. I liked him. We were friends. I played minecraft with him on Thursdays."

He steps back, allowing Harry to step forward. "Yeah. Niall was cool. He sang with us sometimes."

Next, Liam steps up. "Niall didn't steal my stuff."

Then Zayn speaks up. "I liked Niall. He was an ok guy."

The band turns to me. "Do you want to say any words for Niall?" They ask in unison. I step up, tears flooding my crystal blue azure ocean teal aqua eyes. I brush my blonde yellow golden hay colored hair out of my face. "Niall was the best heroin addict I ever knew. He was nice and he even offered his own heroin to others, selflessly. I'll never forget how he hit me with a crowbar." A single tear drips onto Niall's lifeless form as I speak. I step away, Liam wrapping an arm around my shoulders. We walk back to the car in silence. I'm relieved when we finally get back to the mansion in the jungle.

I walk inside, followed by Liam, Harry, and Zayn. Louis doesn't come, saying something about going to the "barren lands".

I sit alone with Liam on the couch, processing that Niall is truly dead. Liam turns to me. "Susan, there's something I need to tell you." I look at him in surprise. "What is it?" I question. "I think I'm falling in love with you."

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