Chapter 3: Overdose

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The next time I wake up, I'm in a comfortable bed in what looks like a spare room. There are tall windows with flowing curtains facing the coast. I tiptoe out of the door and down the hallway, pausing when I hear a conversation.

"We can't keep her here forever!"

"Look, I don't like it either, but nobody else can know about Liam liking coffee."

"This would've been a lot easier if SOMEONE had just poisoned her like I suggested."


I've had enough. I step out into the kitchen. All five of the boys turn to look at me in sync. Niall smiles as he looks up from the needle in his arm. "Hey Susan! Wanna try some of my heroin?"

"Um... no thank you." I say, suddenly aware of how messy my golden brown dirty blonde yellow hair must look. "I was just wondering where I can find a bathroom."

"It's right across from the room we put you in, idiot." Harry says, watching Niall dispose of his heroin needle. That guy has issues.

"Okay... Thanks..." I say, starting to back away, only pausing in my retreat to listen to Louis tell me where the towels and spare clothes are. If I weren't on a deserted island right now I'd already have jumped out the window and gone home. Once I've showered, I start to go back to my room when I hear a shrill scream from the kitchen. I run down the hallway to see what the commotion is about. When I get there, I can't believe my eyes.

"NIALL FUCKING OVERDOSED!" Zayn screams, staring at the now-dead singer laying on the tile floor. I gasp in terror and shock, eyes flooding with tears as I think about all the good times. The time when Niall hit me with a crowbar... The time when he offered me his heroin... Times I'll never be able to have again. I start to sink to the floor only to be caught by a pair of strong arms.

"Shhh... It's okay... Don't look, Susan." Liam says as he ushers me out of the kitchen. I strain to look over his shoulder and only catch a glimpse of Harry and Louis gathering Niall's body into the freezer before I'm pulled away. Liam takes me back to my room and sets me down on my bed. "Try to get some rest, okay?" He says, lingering for a moment before he leaves.

 "Try to get some rest, okay?" He says, lingering for a moment before he leaves

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