Chapter 11: Harry's Secret

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"get up" Arry says, pulling on my arm. I don't respond, still staring at Zayn's limp body. "OH MY GOD GET UP" Harry yells, pulling even harder this time. I yelp as my shoulder comes out of its socket.

"OW MOTHERFUCKER" I whinny, whipping around to glare at Harry as I get to my feet. "Why are you being such a BIRCH right now?!"

Harry glares back at me. "You're going to get us left behind. The whole navy is already halfway through Illinois by now."

"Whatever." I say and pop my shoulder back into place by slamming it into the ground before getting up again. Then I look back at the remains of Zayn. "He's... he's..."

"Dead yeah I know" Harry says. "Let's go, he's too heavy to take with us." Tears flow down my face, leaving trails down my perfect unblemished porcelain rosy skin.

I decide to protest. "But arent you a cyborg? you should be able to carry him even though I can't......."

"I JUST CANT OKAY" Harry Yells really loud. I almost flinch. "Now come on we need to catch up."

The two of us take off running, galloping across the wide plains of Illinois like two escaped rabid lions from the Chigaco Zoo. Eventually we reach the back of the crowd of Navy soldier guys. Commander Killer is at the front, yeling orders.

"KILL THAT GUY SOLDIER THAT IS AN ORDER" He yells, pointing at a store mannequin in the Ikea displays. "Oh hey you two. Where'd that ugly guy go?"

I almost sob at the mention of Zayn. But i'm too distracted by the Ikea to be sad for long. "Oh my goshness Harry, do you think they have riktig ögla in there?!"

Harry shrugs. "Bruh idgaf"

"Well that's not VERY nice." I give him a mean look.

All of a sudden there's a really loud explosion noise. "AAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I scream, blood trickling out of my burst eardrums. I dive to the ground, Harry making no effort to move or protect me as he stares at the ball of flame that just burst out from the food court.

"what is that" Harry says with no inflection as he looks at the destruction. All of a sudden we are taken by surprise when a sudden burst of machine gun fire breaks out, surprisingly.

"GET DOWN HAIRY" I holler, yanking on his pant leg. He doesn’t move so I yank harder. He still doesnt move and his pants fall down revealing boxers with his own face printed all over them.

"What the hell SUSAN?!?" He finally reacts, spinning around and glaring at me before pulling the pants back up. "That's it, youve embarassed me fro the last time."

"Your existence is embarassment enough" I say sweetly. Harry's fists clench but before he can say anything, a soldier parachutes down from the upper floor and lands right in front of him. The solder is wearing a blue and yellow uniform with the Ikea logo printed all over it, and he points a gun at Harrel's forehead.

"You son of a bitch, you'll never have our DJUNGELSKOG!" the Ikea freedom fighter screams, but just a second before he manages to pull the trigger Harry reaches out and grips his throat. I look with big blue round pretty wide azure teal eyes as Harry snap's the man's neck right in front of me.

"That was for you baby" Harry says, winking at me. I blush.

"W-w-we s s should get out of-of-of here" I stutter nervous.

"Ok" Harry says and pulls me by the hand out of the store. My shoulder twinges in pain from when he dislocated it earlier, but I'm too smitten to care. We eventually come to an empty field, far away from the Ikea, Illinois's only  building that isn't in Chicageo.

"Oo wee, what a day!" I sigh now that we're out of the mayhem, pulling off the soldier costume I was wearing over my normal clothes. "You were really cool out there, Harry."

"Yeah I was" Harry says and stands there staring at me.

"And um... I have something to tell you." I bat my eyelashes, pretty-style.

"what" Harry says. He raizes an eyebrow at me.

"Well....." I blush. "I think I've fallen in love with you."

Harry stiffens and looks with his eyes bugging out of his skull at me. "You What?"

"I'm in love with you hary!" I yell. Harry just sighs.

"Susan..." He says slowly. "You're a really nice girl but I... I..."

Tears start to form in my eyes. "You..?"

Harry sniffles. "I don't know if I can do this right now because I...."

"Yes?" I says, understanding in my voice while tears fall out of my eyes.



"I was in a secret gay relationship with Zayn this entire time." Harry confesses. I gasp.

"Y-y-y-y-y-you what??!!!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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