OOOOOOOHHHHHH my gosh <Chapter 30>

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"Ummmmmm hi ladybug?" You answered the phone, "hows... uhhh... things?"

"I LEFT FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS AND EVERYTHING GOES TO HELL!!! WHAT HAPPENED?" You quickly moved your head away from the phone, 'jeeze, does she want my ear drums to bleed...'

"Well princess perfect, where have you been for the past couple of days?" You asked sarcastically, the other line went quiet.

"Can you guys meet up with me." She asked back, avoiding the previous question.

"Well, LB we are kind of being hunted by all of Paris at the moments so..." Adrien butted in, that is when I remembered that we aren't even transformed yet, "no."

"Wait! Chat Noir is with you?"

"Yeah, let's just say he popped out of nowhere..."

"Anyway, since you can't come out, send me your location and all be there as fast as possible." At that moment both yours and Chat's eyes opened wide, you had to get out of your house and fast!

"Okay... ahhh... I'll send it to you in a second!" You replied louder than expected and quickly hanged up the phone, Adrien already started transforming and soon after you did too, and you both quickly ran to the other side of Paris trying to be fast enough so one can see you. Once you both found a hiding place you sent your location to ladybug, hoping she was nearby so you wouldn't have to stay by this garbage for long. Yes, you were by a garbage bin... the big ones...

"This kills... we are the hero's of Paris... and if we get wrongly accused everyone suddenly turns on us... no fair." Chat pouted which to be honest you found adorable.

"Yeah, but there isn't much we can do now..." and just the second that I finished that sentence, Ladybug came out of nowhere, "oh, hey Ladybug."

"Okay so how did you get in trouble this time?" She asked as if it happened every other day, and to be honest... you were offended.

"We were....uhhh... patrolling then all of the sudden an explosion happened we went to check it out and then the cops showed up and blamed it on us." Chat stated, " to be honest I find this purr-ticularly offensive." Chat continued, and crossed his arms.

"Look, no time to hang on the past, we need to find Lady Cheetah." And as if you summoned her, she appeared.

"Wellllll, would you look at this... the two criminals and the bug, and what brings you here? Refuge, because I could easily just hand you into the police and say that Ladybug is helping you, well I could also think something up to help you get out of trouble Chat~"

"Look, Lady cheetah we don't mean any trouble, we just came here for a meeting so if you wouldn't mind." Ladybug asked, you held your tongue knowing something not so very nice would come out.

"But I'm a hero just like you, can't I just come and help?" She asked walking  behind Chat and placing her hands on his shoulders, a diligent growl escaping your voice, you know that Chat  is frozen because he gets really awkward around physical contact... purring is the main reason...

"Look we don't need you help." You said trying to stay calm.

"Said the criminal."

"Well, well, Well would you look at this, my first night on the job and I already found 2 criminals! It must be my lucky day! Totally a win for the Spotted Snowflake!!" Another lady said coming from the shadows like a ninja, she looked to be wearing a snow leopard outfit, and a easy noticeable white hair, 'that is definitely Samantha.'

"I swear if another person shows up I will die..." you quietly mumbled, 'I can't take any more on this.... AND SO HELP ME ANOTHER DEMON CAME!!! (FROM THE BOOK OF ZEREF!!!!) hehe...

"Hello ladies~ my name is Leo Lion" a guy with black hair and blue eyes came, wearing a lion outfit with fluff resembling a mane around his neck. 'And this is my cue to leave...' you started walking away when a hand grabbed your wrist, you turned around expecting it to be Chat Noir but before you could see who it was they pulled you into their chest, invading your personal bubble and making you completely flush, "such a pretty lady, why don't you stay for a while?" Leo asked.

"HEY!! HANDS OFF!!" Chat yelled and punched lion dude in his face, making him let go of me, Chat quickly pulled you close to him, making you keep your blush. Leo stood up slowly, slightly bleeding in his nose, while holding the bridge of it, blood filled eyes, a low ground erupting from him.

"You're going to pay for that..." he whispered deathly, walking slowly towards Chat and you, Chat pulled you behind him and for some reason you couldn't move a single muscle in you body, "YOU'LL PAY!!!!"

Leo was about to swing at Chat, and Chat was about to swing at Leo, but then Ladybug intervened and tied both their hands up.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!" She yelled sternly, making everyone freeze. Whereas you where looking at the ground pondering why you were so frozen before, it's not like you couldn't have taken him on... weird..., "YOU TWO ARE ACTING LIKE TWO YEAR OLDS!!!" She continued, " I think it's time to go home." She untied the string and everyone gave their last glare before going their separate ways, Ladybug being the last person to make sure no one engaged.

Both you and Adrien were walking back to your place because he didn't want to go home, you were just subconsciously walking walking back, when you started to talk to Chat and told him that Spotted Snowflake was Samantha, the new girl in school. Eventually you both ended up at home and without a second thought you transformed back and climbed in bed.

Chat jumped onto the bed then transformed when you gave him a 'get out of my bed' look, he let out a sigh and slowly climbed out of the bed and walked sadly to the couch making a whole scene, he got on the couch and hugged himself dramatically and faced the back of the couch, away from you.

You felt bad that he had to sleep on the cold, hard, terrible couch as he would say so you let out a sigh and said, "Com'on." He turned around and looked at you, and you gave him a smile and he quickly ran and jumped into the side of the bed, quickly snuggling up to you like he was going to loose you, and soon enough falling fast asleep, while you were just enjoying his presence.

Not knowing when it will end...

ARGH I LOVE YOU PEOPLE SO MUCH!!! and ice if your reading this... hi. And you know who you are....

Everyone!: What is your favourite word?


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