Finally... <Chapter 26>

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All of the sudden Chat grabbed your wrists and flipped you both over, now he was on top of you.

Your eyes were wide in shock, a blush flooded your cheeks... you hadn't realised it before, but now you have...

Your in a HELLA awkward position... Chat was basically straddling your waist now, holding your wrists down on either side of your body and leaning really close to your face, his breath gently blowing on your lips as he stares longingly into your e/c eyes.

"Well now purrinces, that was very naughty of you~" he whispered huskily, he started moving closer to your ear to the point where his lips were brushing against it, "now it's time of punishment~"

You were hot, and hot I mean a blaze as in YOU ARE GOING TO BURN DOWN PARIS!!! 

Chat moved away, a smirk plastered on his face. As for you, you were wide eyed with mega blush, wondering what he was going to do to you.

He let go of your hands and started moving them to your sides, small shock waves going through your body as his leather fingers touched your sides, it may not have been connecting with your skin, but it had the same affect.

You were frozen, not knowing what to do, it was if you were paralysed...

"BWAHAHHA!!!!! CHAT STOP, STOPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!" I CANT TAKE IT STOP!!!!HAHAHA I CAN'T!!! I CAN'T BREATH!!!" You laughed and every now and again wheezed, Chat looked at you with a sinister smile.

"What's the magic word?"



"PLLLEAAAAASSE!!!" He finally let you go and got off you, you started to take deep breaths, trying to gain your oxygen back into your lungs.

Chat was taking a knee a little distance away, once you catches your breath, you stated at him and stated at him hard, throwing daggers with your eyes.

His eyes widened, and we slowly got up as you did the same, he kept looking at you as if he just in countered a real Tiger. Scared.

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!!" You screamed, you knew you were joking and he knew you were joking, but still he used all his might to run away, while you were chasing him around the roof with your arms out stretched.

"HAHA YOU CAN'T CA- OOF!!!" Chat yelled while you jumped on him, getting onto his back, because of the sudden momentum he had to take a step forward almost face planting.

You arms were locked loosely around his neck, while your legs were locked tightly around his waist. You leaned closer to his ear, you lips brushing them as you said, "I caught you~"

Chat looked over his shoulder to you with a beautiful smirk on his face, "Alright Princes, where do you want to go?" He asked while, placing his hand on your upper thighs, just below your butt.

Blush spread to your cheeks as his turned back to face forward with an amused face, "can we get some ice cream?" You asked.

"Alright." He replied, trying to hold back excitement. Chat took one hand off your thigh and wrapped it around his baton, helping us to get to the floor by: holding it off the edge, extending it and then swirling around it to the bottom.

It was already night time, dark out, pitch black, whatever you want to call it, but no one was on the streets. At all. Which is in a way a good thing for the people and you, the people would probably think you two are a couple. A couple of whack jobs.

Chat put away his baton and placed it back on you thigh to give you support, every time he did so you would be blushing, wether you liked to or not.

Chat started running through the city, while he was running you placed your head on his shoulder, looking at where you two were going, eventually arriving at a small old shaped ice cream truck. You haven't had ice cream before in Paris, and your dying to have some. Behind the truck was a Farris Wheel, a huuuuuge Farris Wheel with a cotton candy place just in front of it.

You let your arms go around Chat's neck, and he let go of your thighs so that you could stand. Right now the owner of the ice cream truck was facing away, probably closing up, but I think we juuuuuuuuuuuuuust made it.

"Um... excuse me? Is it too late to have some ice cream?" I asked, the man quickly turned around with a friendly closed smile.

"Bonjour!" He greeted, "What can I get yo-" he started but then when he opened his eyes, they shot open, realising he has two of Paris' super hero's trying to buy some ice cream.

"O la la! Golden Tiger and Chat Noir! I have the heh purrfect hah ice cream for you two!" He continued, he turned around once again and started scooping up ice cream. you slightly cringed at his pun from earlier, you think Chat does it best.

Not long after, he turned around once again holding up a strawberry and chocolate ice cream that looks like the two colours are swirling with each other, it was in one cone, so you assumed that you had to share.

"Ta da! Lovers Delight. The best ice cream, for the best person in your life." He gave Chat the ice cream, we thanked him and Chat kept on persisting to pay, you two kept going back and forth until you decided to give in, you just told him to pay in cash, not credit. Just in case his dad could see what he has been buying. After you brought the ice cream, you thanked the man and went to the Ferris Wheel.

Right now, you and Chat were sitting at the very top of the Ferris Wheel, having a great view of the Eiffel Tower and the city of lights.

You and Chat both enjoyed the ice cream, and the view, that was until...

Okay I know that took forever to come out and I am really sorry but yeah, I hope you like it and I hope I won't get an authors block anytime soon but anyway...


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