A day at the park <chapter 2>

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"Hey, Jackson!" I greeted while climbing into the car, Alya did the same, still looking at her phone.

"Hi." He replied bluntly, he started the engine and when the car was ready, he headed in the direction of my house. Alya looked up at me and tapped my shoulder since I was looking out the window, I turned to her and her eyes' gleamed!

"Can I put this on my vlog?" She asked me, I nodded then looked back out the window. I heard Alya talking in the background, we were nearing my house.

"Get ready, the best part is gonna come up!" I exclaimed, she looked at me and pointed her phone's camera at me, then swiftly pointed it outside.

-TiMe SkIp-

"And this is my room." I told her while looking at the camera, and pointing my hand inside the room.

"WOW! this is massive!" She exclaimed, I chucked my bag on my bed then Silhouette came and jumped on me, thankfully I caught him.

"Thanks." I said and smiled at her, she came closer to me pointing the camera to Silhouette.

"I remember this cat! That's his name by the way?"

"His name is Silhouette." Silhouette yawned a little, showing off his teeth. Alya zoomed in the camera, closer to Silhouette.

"Is it just me or does he look a lot like Chat Noir?" I move Silhouette is I can look at his cute face, I looked at his bright green eyes that had a sparkle.

"Yeah, he does." He has the same sparkle too... I smiled at Silhouette at the thought, "anyway, are you ready to go to the park?"

"You know it!" She exclaimed and pointed finger guns at me, I put down Silhouette and started walking back to the garage where Jackson was waiting for us.

"And that's it for my vlog! I know it wasn't about ladybug but you get what you can get right?" Alya said into her phone then stopped the vlog and got into the car.

"The park near the school please Jackson!" I asked, he nodded and got into the car after I did. We drove to the park and saw Adrien, Nino and Marinette talking. We didn't park to far away, I thanked Jackson then got out the car Alya doing the same. We walked over to our group of friends and greeted everyone, then started to walk around.

"Alright guys, I planed a little something!" Alya stated, walking in front of us.

"And what could that be?" I asked, knowing her, it could be anything...

"Sorry dudette, that's a secret." Nino added.

"Nino?! You're in on this?" Adrien asked, mostly shocked. Marinette was still being quiet behind us, I keep wondering if she is holding a knife to my back or something. I shiver at even the thought of that, I looked behind me and saw Marinette shot me a glare. Allllllllllllright I guess she's not holding a knife to me, thankfully, "hey you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Adrien." I replied, looking at him. He gave me a small smile and we kept walking, "so how far is this surprise?"

"Not to far!" Alya replied, excitement radiating off her. After maybe another 5 minutes of walking, we reached a hill, and you know we had to go up, so we did... EVENTUALLY when we got up there, there was a large picnic blanket and basket.

"Ta da!" Nino and Alya yelled at the same time, it kinda makes the walk worth it! It has a beautiful pond at the bottom of the hill, and in the distance a view of the Eiffel Tower!

"Ooooo! I like this!" I exclaimed then sat down, on the blanket. Everyone came and sat down, we had a cheery time, even Marinette! This is probably the most fun I've had in a while, and it's about to get funnier... "everyone, electronics in the basket." They all looked at me as if I was crazy, holding up the basket for them.

"Any reason why?" Alya asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just do it!" Everyone thankfully did it without a hassle, "You May proceed with your talking!" I have begun my master plan... hehe... a couple of minutes passed with just talking then I called up Alya to come with me, I led her to the pond, that happened to be very clean!

"Yeah, Girl?" She asked, she was standing at the edge of the pond facing me.

"I just wanted to tell you something..."

~+Adrien's POV+~

Nino and I were just walking about random stuff when we heard a scream, coming from where Alya and Y/n was! I jolted my head over there and saw two figures, one in the water and the other laughing their head off. I decided to join in on the fun, it only happens once in a blue moon anyway...

I ran down to the pond, then started to silently walk behind Y/n. When I was right behind her I grabbed her around the torso and jumped in the pond with her, she let out a squeal from the surprise. We came up since it wasn't very deep only waist hight, I let go of y/n and she turned round immediately and looked at me with anger, the soon turned into a laugh.

"You naughty little Agreste!" She exclaimed and punched my shoulder, lightly thankfully. I looked at the hill and saw Nino running down without his headphones, Alya, Y/n and I moved out of the way.

"CANON BALL!!!" He yelled and jumped into the pond, we tried to warn him it wasn't deep but there is not stopping that man. When he came to the surface we all started to laugh, and splash each other.

"COM'ON MARINETTE!!" Alya yelled, cupping her mouth with her hands. We saw her head look to us then she got up and started walking this way, we kept splashing each other until she arrived. When she was close enough we stopped, she was at the bank of the pond just standing there. Y/n sneak up to her and grabbed her wrist pulling her into the pond, when Marinette got to the surface she stared at y/n, anger radiating off her. Then she let out a small laugh.

The laugh became bigger and bigger since everyone joined in, when we decided to get out I realised that I can't go home like this, Father would kill me! I pulled Y/n aside and told her the news, she looked at me with a smile.

"That's not a problem, you can come to my house and we can lean it right up!" She exclaimed, I gave her a hug then she called Jackson to pick us up and bring towels. When he arrived we said bye to our friends then drove off to Y/n's house.

The Two Cats ((Chat Noir x Reader) book #2 of MEW!)Where stories live. Discover now