The Bet <Chapter 14>

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"WHY WOULD YOU MAKE A BET LIKE THAT!!!" You lost it, you hated that idea! What if Adrien doesn't win, what if something goes wrong, what if you have to kiss that troll?, "WHY WOULD EITHER OF YOU MAKE THAT WITHOUT MY CONSENT!!" The whole gym went quiet, you looked at Adrien and Oliver.

Oliver has a irritating smirk on his face and Adrien seemed really sorry, he was looking down at the floor, his hair hanging over his face.

You started to calm down, your eyes softened and you let out a sigh, you placed a hand on Adrien's shoulder. He hesitantly lifted his head and looked at you, you gave him a small smile, a smile that says you are sorry.

"Alright... so be it." You agreed, Oliver started to walk to the designated fighting area. Adrien was about to leave but you grabbed his wrist, he turned at looked at you, looking still slightly hurt, "show him who's boss." You grab his collar and give him a quick kiss on the lips before letting go of his shirt, "and I'm sorry."

Adrien has a small smile on his face, "It's okay, and I'm sorry I made the bet." He lowered his head again, you placed a hand on his cheek and he leaned into it.

"Promise me you'll win." You asked, he finally had a genuine smile on his face.

"Yes, my lady." He smirked and gently grabbed your hand and gave you and bow and kissed your hand, like the gentleman he is. He looked up at you with his smile and let go of you hand, then walked to the arena.

Everyone gathered around, you having a position in the front row so you can see everything. They both put on their helmets and took their position, another stranger was standing in the middle, but not in the way.

"Commence in; 3" the stranger started, they both readied, "2" you let out a sigh, "3". The both bolted to the other, their swords clashed and Adrien took a step back.

Oliver came at him dashing his sword, Adrien took another step back and blocked the attack.

"You know how this is going to end." Oliver said, leaning closer to Adrien.

"Yeah, I do, I'm going to win!" Adrien exclaimed, pushing Oliver back.

"Tsk, whatever you say!" Oliver retaliated, going at Adrien again, Adrien stool there and you knew that underneath that mask he had a smirk. Oliver was running at him and when Oliver was close to him, Adrien parried his attack, getting a good attack, winning the game.

Oliver took a step back, shocked at what happened, he stood there still as a statue. Adrien took off his helmet and looked victoriously at Oliver, everyone in the arena started to cheer and clap.

"WOOO! ADRIEN!!!" People yelled, Oliver walked off, sulking.

"Alright class, school is about to start so get your tiny buts out the school, unless you go here..." the fencing teacher stated, everyone started getting there stuff and Adrien walked over to you.

"Way to go." You smiled, he looked down at you, also with a smile.

"Why thank you my lady, so do I get that kiss now?" He asked raising his eyebrows repeatedly and leaning closer to you, you breathed in some air and all you could smell was sweat. He was already leaning in with his eyes closed, you used your pointed finger and pushed his nose back gently.

"Hold on pretty boy, you stink." Your stated, he opened his eyes and pouted.

"Come on princess, does that really matter?" He shrugged, you pulled back you finger and gave him a smirk.

He let out a sigh, "Alright... I'll get washed..." he replied sulking to the locker room, you shook your head side to side while we walked away.

You started to walk to your locker then got some books for the day, you got your schedule and went to the first class. You sat down and waited for Adrien, knowing that he would eventually come.

You grabbed one of your spare books and got your pencil case and started drawing, you didn't know what but you drew something.

"Whatcha doing Y/n." Taag asked, flying out of your bag.

"I don't know, just doodling..." you replied, starting to draw lines for a flower. Taag flew onto the table and laid down, giving off a cute, tiny yawn.

"I'm tired." Taag complained, you looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You're always tired." You stated, going back to your drawing. The door handle started to shake, Taag went flying back into your bag. You looked at the door, waiting to see who entered when it was none other than Adrien, "don't worry Taag, it's just Adrien."

Adrien came and walked up to you and sat next to you, "you talking to your Kwami?" He asked, you nodded, "I don't believe I've met 'Taag' before."

"Com'on Taag don't be shy you little baby." You teased, Taag poked her head out of you bag and looked at Adrien. Adrien looked back and smiled and waved, "Taag, Adrien. Adrien, Taag." You introduced.

Taag flew closer to Adrien and they shakes hands, Adrien using one finger. "Nice to meet you!" He exclaimed, smiling.

"I could say the same thing." Taag replied, "so you are the famous Chat Noir?"

"The one and only." He replied.

"So Adrien, when will I meet your Kwami?" You asked, he looked at you like he was about to say something but then the handle started to shake again and people started flooding in the class room, (Taag flew into your bag) until a new girl came in and she looked... oddly internally growled. And for the cherry on top, she had to sit next to Adrien of all people.

"Hey, your Adrien right?" She asked, you tightened you grip around your pencil and gritted your teeth, "I'm a big fan!"

"Heh, thanks." He replied awkwardly.

"And your Y/n, no offence but to be honest I never really liked your music..." she stated, thaaaaaaanks nice to meet you too... you almost snapped your pencil, AND ANOTHER THING WHY WOULDN'T I TAKE OFFENCE!!

Okay so that is the end of the chapter, hope you liked it, I'll cya later!!! And I know the kiss isn't in there but I have a plan, just trust me...


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