Harpys Everywhere <Chapter 16>

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I'm not dead yet, I just had block out week and exams, You all should know how that is... unless you are still in younger grades...

You raised the book so that it was covering your face, you not really wanting to have a conversation with the enemy... as you were reading you would always glance up every now and again to make sure they aren't going to try anything, especially that Harmony...

Everything was quiet for probably 3 minutes until someone started coming close to you, not Adrien warmth... not any warmth at all it was like a block of solid ice coming shoulder to shoulder with you. Your eyes stayed lidded as you look up from your book then looked to your side to be greeted by a certain blond, that you really didn't want to talk to.

"Y/nnnnnnnnnnn~" the prep whined, you looked at her with a dead soul and a loud groan, "so it has been a while, and I really want your autograph~" you still looked at her lifelessly, 'why are you trying so hard to act nice...' you thought to yourself you let out a sigh and she magically pulled out a big piece of paper with a photo of you and a black marker.

You grabbed the marker in your dominant hand and rolled your eyes discretely, trying you hide your irritation. "Phabbably warth mothin'" jumbling was heard, you shot your head to Harmony knowing she did it, you glared daggers at her and she was looking at her book and raised it above her eyes.

"*cough cough* autograph *cough cough*" an all to familiar voice was heard, you looked back t Chloe and signed the paper, "YAS SABRINA!!!!! I GOT IT~~" she yelled like there was no tomorrow, everyone practically jumped out of their skin and Chloe quickly got up and ran out the hallway faster than lighting, running past the teacher.

"CHLOE SHUT UP!!" The teacher yelled, Chloe stopped running and looked at the teacher waltzing over to her.

"How 'bout you shut up you ugly witch!" She yelled, everyone was quiet... not knowing what to say. Your eyes widened, you didn't know what to do... but you knew that there was going to be a certain Akuma... you quickly got up and sneaked out the room while the teacher grabbed Chloe and dragged her to the principals office.

You quickly ran into the bathroom and got your phone out of you pocket, scrolling through the contacts looking for Adrien's contact number. You quickly tapped the call button, putting the (f/c) phone to your ear. "Pick up, pick up, pick up..." you chant in a whisper, "WHY IS HE NOT PICKING UP!" You kept trying and at one point it did answer but nothing came from it, just faint whispers and quietness, 'what's going on?' You asked yourself and you closed your phone and locked it, putting it back in your pocket.

Stalking around the room, trying not to be spotted by class mates or the teacher. "Adrien!" You yell in whisper, walking past the lockers, you walk into the boys locker room to see if he is in there..nope..you kept looking through the school, knowing all the empty class, HASS, Math, Tech, and Science... you looked through them, all in that order, all except Science, you were on your way there still avoiding windows and students that may be around.

You wrap your hand around the freezing cold handle, slowly opened but it, thankfully it didn't creak... you hated it when it creaked, it makes noise and it makes it sound like a horror movie. You walked in the room, the lights were off so you quickly flicked them on.







And on one side you regretted it and the other you were happy that you knew the truth... because what you found could change your thought about people and could change your fate...





Don't worry, it's not a chapter cliffhanger, I love you guys to much to do that to you!



"ADRIEN!" You yelled, at the top of you lungs. Tears started to form in the corner of your eyes as you look at him and harpy, practically eating each other's faces, your nose started to scrunch up and your face got hot, not from blush but pure anger, you balled you fist and started at them. They both separated, keeping their and hands on each other, Adrien's on her waist and hers on his neck.

"Oh, hey Y/n." Adrien greeted, this got your blood boiling hotter than lava itself. You stormed over there, pointing a fringed at him, your palm facing the roof.

"DON'T YOU FREAKING SAY 'HEY Y/N' TO ME!!" You yelled, the dark aura becoming visible around you.

"Hey guys, don't fight over me~~" Harpy flattered herself.

"SHUT UP HARPY!!" You yelled once again turning to her, you can see her confused and angry face from the nickname, she put her hands up defensively, "NOW I WANT A HELLA GOOD EXPLANATION, AND I WANT IT NOW!" You thundered, the earth itself almost shaking at the roar.

"Has Adrien not told you?" The Harpy started, "Adrien and I are dating!" You turned to Adrien faster then humanly possible, you eye beginning to twitch.

"I just think I have a better connection with Harmony than I do with you, is all." You jaw tightened, and you shot glares at both of them then involuntary you raised your hand out of pure anger.


the noise echoed through the room, Harpy grasping at the sudden action. Adrien kept his head down, his blond hair covering his eyes. Tears rolled down your furious eyes, burning with despise. Adrien slowly lifted his head and you could see your hand mark across his face, his '' girlfriend '' grabbed his face and started to inspect it. You took this opportunity to run out of the room, lighting fast, you quickly went back to the library to grab your book, as soon as you entered a voice called to you, you saw Alya and made eye contact with her for a split second before running out again to the English class you grabbed your bags and bolted out of school, eye pouring with heartfelt tears. Alya trying to run behind you but stopping at the entrance of the school, out of breath, watching you as you run down the street into the horizon.

Later that evening there was a knocking on you front door, who will it be?

Okay guys so I did that chapter as soon as I got home from my last day of school! *cough cough* 2 hours ago... *cough cough* so yeah. I hope you liked it! I WILL CYA IN THE NEXT ONE!! I LOV YA ALL AND HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY!! BAI BAI!!

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