Le Ferris Wheel <Chapter 27>

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"I just remembered; we have school tomorrow..." Chat stated, you slowly turned your head to him in disgust.

"Why in the world would you ruin with perfect night with that sentence?" You retaliated, "it like reminding me about the Great Depression."

"Speaking of great, when is you next concert?"

"I dunno... probably tomorrow..." (cause author keeps getting ideas and postponing it...)


The ride fell into a comfortable silence once again, you shimmied closer to Chat and put your head on his shoulder.



"What if Lady Cheetah is a akumatized victim?"

"Well, I guess we just need to get something special from her and break it."

"Should we ask Lady Bug to help? I mean she is the only one who can 'de-evilize' as she likes to say."

"I wonder where ol' LB is... haven't seen her for quite sometime."


All was quiet until in the distance you saw a HUGE explosion, as soon as it happened you sat up straight looking into the distance, you could just barely make out a black silhouette of someone jumping from the explosion.

"Com'on Chat, we need to go." You stated, grabbing the safety bar and using your strength to pull it up, soon enough you were free and climbing on the side of the Ferris wheel, Chat doing the same. You used your Tiger Speed to climb down while Chat used his baton, you started to run towards the explosion, eventually Chat catches up to you.

"Everything is in ashes..." Chat whispered I'm surprised awe, you started walking around investigating the premises, trying to find clues.

In the distance sirens screamed from police cars, you and Chat stood there waiting for them so that you can ask them to help investigate. Soon enough one police car pulled up, looking at the distraction and looking at the two of you.

"Afternoon officer, I'm glad you arri-" you started but were cut off by the officer himself.

"You Chat Noir and Golden Tiger are under arrest." Your eyes widened in shock as you took a big step towards him.

"WHY?!? WE DID NOTHING WRONG!!!" You yelled at the police man, his friends starting to pull up into the situation too.

"Well you standing right here in front of an explosion that happened a couple of seconds ago says otherwise." He continued, a blunt voice echoing through your ears.

"I WILL NOT STAND FOR SUCH ACCUSATIONS!!!" You yelled once again, Chat grabbed your shoulders and pulled you away from the officer to calm you down, you continued you rant in quietness while Chat was talking to the officer instead.

Chat soon came back, you hand your arms crossed and your eyebrows together, "so he said that he doesn't care what we have to say and that we have 2 minutes to give ourselves up."

You really wanted to speak your mind, but you knew what you happen... make the situation worse and all hell will break loose.

"Fine whatever. But we can't give ourselves up, they won't let us out and then we will transform back right in front of them." You stated, irritation in your voice. You don't know why you are so moody all of the sudden, but you are and you can't change that.



...The officers POV...

"Alright kids, time to go back with us." I said while writing on my note pad, I turned around towards where I left them, "Com'on I don't have all night." I glanced up from my pad up to them, 'on no ones there...' 'WAIT WHAT!!' I looked up again and saw they were completely gone, like they vanished.

"TEAM THE CULPRITS ARE GONE!!!" I yelled looking at my team, they all nodded and started getting back in their cars while some continued to investigate, the team went in different directions to try and find the missing cats.

"Base, we got a 213 culprits have run." I talking into my coms. (213 means an use of illegal explosives)

"Do you know the names?" The person on the other side said.

"Chat Noir and Golden Tiger."

_~^* Your POV *^~_

The sound of the sirens filled our ears, the police car just drove by, thankfully not seeing us.

Right now both Chat and I are crammed between to long statues, there wasn't much room in between them, so... my hands were on Chat's leathered chest, resting on his pecs and our bodies pressed up against each other.

I was looking up at Chat trying not to make noise while he was looking towards the road with his head slightly tilted up... looking pretty hot to be honest...

He gave me a side glance, catching me staring I quickly moved my head to the other side so he couldn't see the deeper blush, but after I did, I look one more look and saw he had a smirk plastered on his face. As quick as it happed I still managed to feel his lips peck my cheek before he continued to stare at the streets.

"Do you think they're gone?" I asked moving my head to look at the road, I looked at Chat in the corner of my eye waiting for a response.

"Seems like it. But I think it would be best to get home as soon as possible and transform."

I nodded in agreement and tried to get of from between the statues, emphasis on the try. We bother started wiggling, trying to escape the grasp of the statues.

"I could use my cataclysm?" Chat suggested.

"And destroy the statue... but ladybug isn't here with her lucky charm to re-create it." I let out a irritated sigh, we kept wiggling for a while until I got free, and of course quickly helped Chat.

"Alright, I guess I'll cya tomorrow?" I asked.

"Of course m'lady," He replied, grabbing my hand and giving it a kiss while looking up at me, "AU REVOIR!" He yelled after getting a good couple of meters away from me.

"Au revoir, Chat."

_~^* Time Skip *^~_


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