Part Twenty-Seven: Chapter 202: The Clock Is Ticking

Start from the beginning

"Oh, don't worry, this technically isn't on the record

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"Oh, don't worry, this technically isn't on the record. You don't have to play dumb," the D.A. says as his eyes read over something in the file.

"Did you just call me dumb?" Jason asks lowly with narrowed eyes.

The D.A. shakes his head as he scribbled something on a notepad. "I wouldn't begin to call a man of your IQ dumb, I was merely alluding to your reaction over your hearing as dumb."

"Why exactly are you here if this is all supposedly off the record?" Jason asks.

"Well, it's my duty, as prosecutor to share all evidence with the defense lawyer. In your most recent crimes that made it to the bench, you represented yourself. That's correct, isn't it?" He finally looks up at Jason.

"Yeah," Jason looks at him with suspicion. Jason doubts his intentions. What was this guy really playing at?

"Very well then," the D.A. looks back down at the file. His finger travels across a few lines of print as he reads silently to himself. "As I'm sure you know, we don't have any actual physical items to attest to your sanity, only affidavit's from several eye witnesses."

Eye witnesses huh? Well Jason planned to gouge the eyes from these supposed eye witnesses. "Is that so?" He asks.

The D.A. lays a page in front of Jason, "The first is a Carol Lundy, a former stripper in one of your clubs. Do you remember her?"

Jason rolls his eyes, "I don't usually bother getting their names."

"Well Miss Lundy states that she took you to her apartment one night after work. She claims that the two of you had sex. She states that your behavior was very normal. She goes on to even state that she found you to be quite sweet, saying that you were very polite, and even sent her a dozen roses the next day. Is that correct? " the D.A. asks.

"Do you really expect me to remember every stripper I go home with?" Jason stares unamused.

"Do you really expect me to remember every stripper I go home with?" Jason stares unamused

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"Moving on then," the D.A. says and lays another page in front of Jason. "Ben Kingsley, a former henchman of yours. He's currently serving a life sentence in Black Gate. He states that you admitted to him that you only pretend to be crazy."

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