Welcome Back

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Tord Pov:

I wake up to a loud bang and someone screaming, "TORD!!" I open my eyes to see Edd in my doorway, he looks panicked.

I look at the digital clock on my bedside table to see it's 12 am, I looks at Edd and ask, "What could be happening at 12 am in the morning Edd?-"

"I-it's about Tom," I look at him with tired confusion. "They found him."

I look him with disbelief, "That can't be true-"

"Get dressed, we're going to the police station to see him,"

I jump out of bed as Edd leaves to tell Matt. I grab clothes in a panic and I can feel adrenaline pumping through my veins as I dress myself in a excited yet distressed rush. I then run out my bedroom door to see Edd and Matt already dressed and just as in panic as myself. We run outside and to the car where we quickly climb inside. Edd starts up the car and we take off into the road.

Once we finally make it to the police station we scatter out of the car, completely forgetting to close our doors. We run inside and once we make it to the reception desk, we all say at once, "Where is he?!"

The secretary gives us a confused look until she gains a expression of realization and says, "Oh! You're here for Thomas Thompson! Follow me!". She quickly stands up and walks through a door. My heart races as we follow her down a hallway and once we reach the end of the hallway, she says, "He's in here, but the detective tells me he refuses to speak."

We all nod in unison as she opens the door for us. Our eyes widen when we see Tom for the first time in five years. He has his hair in a normal looking pony tail that's rather short and the top of his hair is neatly pulled back, but his hair in most cases would spike up, so it's surprising to see that it's going down and not up. He has a dark blue sweater on that's too oversized for him, black sweatpants, and white socks. He's sitting on a dark blue couch with his sleeve coated hands on his lap. He's looking down in such a way that he looks more dead than anything, nevertheless, we all run up to him and hug him tightly.

All of us are too mixed between sad and happy to really say anything, we feel like there's a lump in our throats that refuses to let words slip through.

I managed to say, "Welcome back."

Welcome Back [May or May not be Discontinued]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum