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Third Person Pov:

General Linton sits in his seat rather quietly as he looks down at some photos, he doesn't know what to do other than that. Without a leader to the army, nothing exciting is ever going to happen.

Suddenly, his computer that rests on his desk rings with a call from the head of monitoring, Jason. General Linton seems confused from this call since the base has been so silent for the last five years and he would assume nothing extraordinary would happen, since they were never out to the world in the first place.

He presses answer and Jason doesn't even give General Linton a chance to greet him when he says, "Red- *Huff* Red leader is *Huff* free!" Jason seems completely out of breath, like the life was sucked out of him for a good ten seconds.

General Linton raises a eyebrow and asks Jason, "What do you mean soldier? Red Leader was never captive, he just quit."

"What *Huff* I mean is, *Small Wheeze* his friend was found and is living back at home with him! This is our chance to try to convince Red Leader to come work again!"

Realization hits General Linton right in the face, which causes him to smirk. General Linton puts his hands together and says to Jason, "Plan a car ride to 27 Durdam Lane at exactly 12:00 pm, I have some things to discuss with the Red Leader~"

Tom Pov:

Edd said we should go out somewhere together so we decided to go into a few stores, but we got separated since we all have different interests.

We all hide things, I've already seen everyones choices while looking around. Edd is looking at sleeping pills and pain killers, Matt is looking at pocket mirrors and sadly smiling when he looked at himself in them, and Tord is looking at different gun ammo and fighting tools. Of course they don't want me of all people to see them looking at these things, but I've become quiet and curious.

I'm the same way, but out of all of them... I'm worse. I've been looking at different things that could either kill me or severely hurt me. Like rope.. pocket knives.. razor blades.. even bleach. But I know I can't buy these things, it's just to figure out how I should kill myself if the thing with Tord doesn't work.

It's either I go with choice one, cut both my wrists in cross streaks. Or choice two, find another way to kill myself. He gave me a choice, he said cutting my wrists are more holy, but on the other hand.. I don't even believe in God at this point.

I walk through the store with a black hoodie on instead of a blue one, it was the only hoodie that wasn't too big for me. It was Tords in our teen years, so it smells like him... I like it.

Kids have been screaming when looking at me, by now I don't know if it's my eyes or the fact I'm dead inside. I always ignored them since I've been through worse than having kids be scared of me, even when I used to sing to them at the guitar shop.. hah.. Good times.

I meet up with everyone else and I put on a happy smile instead of my dead stare that seems to be my resting face now. We all talk about what we picked out and none of the things we picked out are actually the things we crave, especially me.

Edd got a cat toy that he says it looks like Ringo, Matt got a hair brush, and Tord just got a fake rose for some reason. Me on the other hand, I got a blue hoodie that fits me and I snook a razor blade into my pants pocket that I intend to steal. It's only a single razor blade, so it shouldn't be a big deal... or so you would think.

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