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Tord Pov:

As I begin to wake up I let my eyes flutter open, the bed feels empty so I sit up to look around, I'm the only one in my room and I have my clothes on. Was that all a dream? I look around my bed to see if there's even just a speck of evidence, but the bed is completely clean.

I sigh and look out my window, what a dream. So real that I thought it actually happened when I woke up, man I have a big imagination if I could come up with Tom wearing a wig and school girl clothes, he'd never do that!

I get up from bed and walk over to my dresser, when I look in my mirror I somehow manage to spot something wrong on my face. I use my thumb to rub off a smudge of lipstick off the corner of my lips... IT WASN'T A DREAM!! Jesus Tom knows how to clean up a crime scene!

Did he want me to think it was a dream? Or did he clean it all up so Edd wouldn't know? Or maybe both? God he's so confusing!!

You know what, it was probably a one night stand like everything else we've been doing, he's probably not even going to bring it up today, so maybe I should just get over it... but something inside me just wants to know how he feels about me...

I quickly get dressed into a red hoodie and black jeans; I then speed walk out my door, I can smell bacon so I know everyone is having breakfast in the kitchen, so I follow the smell into the kitchen.

Everyone is sitting at the breakfast table and eating bacon with scrambled eggs and toast, even Tom is eating it and he was only eating slop a few days ago. What I see right now is something I would see five years ago, everyone just talking and eating at the breakfast table.. God I miss those days.

"Hey guys," I say as I walk further into the kitchen.

Even Edd says to me in a friendly tone, "Oh good morning Tord! Have some breakfast!"

"Hey Tord!" Matt says as he eats a bit of his scrambled eggs. "You're late to breakfast." Matt laughs a bit which makes me smile.

Tom only waves which makes me confused, which Edd seems to notice since he says, "Tom has a sore throat so he's taking a break on talking."

"I see," He probably has a sore throat from screaming in pleasure so hard last night, pff. I sit down next to Tom and Edd hands me a plate of breakfast, I can see Tom looking at me from the corner of my eye so I look up at him, he's giving me a soft gaze with a lazy smile on his lips, I haven't ever seen him look at me like this, is it because of last night?

After a few hours of staying home, everyone seems to be having a day off and Tom managed to get his voice back. So when we finish our third round of video games and Tom says to the three of us, "I would like to have a word with Tord for a while if no one minds." and takes my hand to drag me into another room, I get confused. What could he want now?

Tom brings me back into my room and locks the door, I turn toward him and ask, "Okay, what is it now Tom?"

"I have a very important question for you, I felt after what we did last night really bonded us," Tom says and I raise a eyebrow.

"Are you now asking to date me?"

"Nope, but something much more enjoyable for you," Tom takes a step toward me and I step back, what ever it is I have a bad feeling about it.

"And... What would that be?"

Tom takes a deep breath before beginning, "I know you haven't changed one bit since five years ago Tord. You've just learned to put on a different identity for the time being until someone manages pull it out, which we both know I have done," Tom takes a few steps toward me, which I try to step back more, but I hit my wall after the second step back.

"Tom what are you talking about? I have cha-"

"Oh Tord we both know you haven't," Tom takes another step toward me and I shift my eyes away from him. "I know you always will have the Red Leader inside of you, you're a totalitarian communist for crying out loud! And totalitarian communists believe that the ones that are superior should rule the weaker ones, correct?"

"Well yes Tom, but-" I slightly flinch when Tom takes yet another step forward. "But I'm not a totalitarian communist anymore, just a plain communist."

Tom laughs and comes closer to me which makes me nervous, he smiles and says, "Don't bullshit me, when I ask you to dominate me you go full force on me but when I say anything else you refuse to go any further. You're a totalitarian that just needs to be pulled out of it's humane shell."


"But I'm not asking you to take over the world right now," I look at him with confusion. "I'm asking you to take over my life."

I blush and flinch, "Wh-what?!"

"I need a new master, my old one has sent me on a mission Tord, a mission to find someone to control me," Tom finally ends up standing right in front of me and I move my head to face away from him, but he cups my cheek and moves it back to look at him. "And I chose you to be that master Tord, because you have all the right traits to become my new master,"

"Is that why you've been flirting with me nonstop? Just to make it to this point? The point where you think I'll be willing to be your "Master"?"

"Don't get me wrong Tord, I do like you. But in more of a superiority way," Tom turns around and takes a few steps before turning back around to face me. "Think of it this way, we're in a kingdom where there are the servants of the king," Tom takes a step toward me again. "I am a servant that looks highly to you, I go to you for permission to do anything you haven't ordered, like what food you want prepared or if you want to be pleasured; but unlike all the other servants, I am happy serving you and I want to serve you for the rest of my life," Tom then comes close to me and presses a finger to my chest. "And I know for a fact that you've always wanted to be a ruler of the world, but if you really refuse to be the ruler of the actual world... then you should let me be your world Tord~"

I take Tom's finger off my chest and say, "Tom you know I can't do that, it's wrong, it's slavery."

"If it's so wrong, then why would you create a communist army five years ago? You obviously wanted to rule the world for the power, so since you don't want to go and rule the world now, why can't you take control over me instead?"

"Tom," I give him a deathly glare. "No."

Tom loses his smile and sharply breaths out as he takes a step back, he sighs and looks down, "Okay, I understand." Tom looks back up at me with a sudden smile, but it somehow seems really dark... "Well how about you think about it for a while, it's a hard thing to agree to I know, but you never know; You might just change your mind eventually."

"I won't," I continue my glare, but he seems to ignore it.

"Right right, well I'm going to head out for a while, so you hang out with the others for a while. Don't worry too much about this conversation, we'll discuss it later," Tom then heads out my door and I can hear him saying goodbye to the others before the front door closing.

I breath in like I've never breathed before and I slide down the wall into a sitting position, I hold my head and close my eyes. God that was terrifying, he's more confusing than I thought in the first place, but not just confusing anymore, more like twisted.. What did this man do to Tom...

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