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Tord Pov:

As the deal said, with help in getting Tom back, I now need to become Red Leader again. Was it worth it? Don't ask me that. There's always a price to pay from a deal maker such as General Linton, I guess this is also what I get for being so stubborn about becoming powerful like I used to be.

"You look so good in that suit Red Leader!" General Linton says and I look down, am I supposed to feel flattered? General Linton wraps a arm around my shoulders. "Why the gloom face Red Leader? This is a great thing! You're going to be ruling the world in only a few years!"

"That's the exact reason why I'm upset General Linton," I say and sigh as I take his arm off my shoulders and sit down on a stool. "I don't want this, I haven't wanted this for a long time now. I don't like power, I just want to live a normal life..."

General Linton sighs and walks over to me, saying, "Look, I know it's a lot of responsibility, but think about it. You'll have everything you want, there will be no need to stress anymore, and the best part..." General Linton whispers into my ear, "If we get enough technology, we can probably fix Tom's little sight problem~" I flinch and immediately turn to him.

"Really??" I ask in surprise.

"If we can take control of some countries with advanced technology companies then we can get him a way to see for free!" Take control...

I look down and begin to go into thought... If I go along with this, then I'll be able to help Tom see, but is it really worth it to lose my entire reputation as a regular person? Tom seems to be fine being blind, but I don't like the idea of him being blind... He just doesn't deserve it at all. I guess I'm forced to do this either way though...

"Then let's invade those countries first," I say and General Linton excitedly smiles.

"That's the Red Leader I know!" General Linton says and slaps my back, I give a small smile. I guess this is fine...

Tom Pov:
*Two Months Later*

I've mostly been in bed since I'm blind, Tord wanted me to go home with Edd and Matt since the base is dangerous, but I managed to convince him to let me stay with him. I don't want to leave the side of the person who saved me from my dark past, even if it does kill me like he says it will.

I can hear my bedroom door burst open, so I flinch and lift my head. I hear a familiar Norwegian voice say, "Tom! I can make you see again!!"

"What are you on about Tord?" I ask and raise a eyebrow.

I can hear Tord run up to me and he holds my hands, "I took over Tokyo and right now they have the best technology for blindness! They say they have a sort of headset that is waterproof and comfortable that will help you see! You just need to go through surgery!-"

"Surgery? What for?"

Tord sighs and softly responds, "I was hoping you wouldn't ask."

"Tord what are they going to do to me?"

Tord is quiet for a few seconds before saying, "They need to spoon out your dead eyes and connect the headset to your brain." I flinch in surprise.

"That's insane!-"

"Do you want to see or not Tom?" I quickly look down, I can't believe this is the only way...

"I do..."

"We need to do this if you want to see," I give a unsure face. "Tom I know that it's probably going to be annoying to have to wear a headset all of the time, but think of the upsides! You can see, you don't have to stay in bed everyday, and you'll be able to know your surroundings and what's in front of you-"

"Tord I know the upsides, it's just that.." I sigh, why am I hesitating? This is a good thing! Having your sight back is about the only thing any blind man would want, so.. Fuck it. "You know what.. Let's do it..."

"Great!" Tord pecks my lips. "Our plane is going to leave if we don't get on it! Come on!"

"Now?!-" Tord drags me out of bed by my hand and quickly guilds me outside, is he insane? I'm wearing my pajamas and I don't even have shoes on!

Tord Pov:
*Several Hours later*

"He's done Red Leader," a Japanese doctor says to me with some struggle to speak, he obviously had to look up how to say that.

"Show me to him!" I say quickly, the Japanese man nods and makes a "follow me" motion, so I follow him into a hospital room.

I see Tom laying down on the hospital bed with the headset on his head, he seems to be asleep. The nurse by him makes a "shh" motion with her finger, so I quietly walk over to him.

When the nurse leaves the room, I take a good look at Tom's face. His body is so pale and littered with old scars, while the headset looks so brand new and shiny.. it's like a dirty stray cat with a diamond encrusted collar around it's neck, they don't fit together.

Suddenly the screen powers on with two pixelized green eyes flashing on to the screen, Tom turns his face to me and says, "Tord?.."

"You.. you can see me," I say and before I can start crying, I hug him tightly which he hugs back to.

"Thank you..." Tom whispers and I'm too choked up to reply.

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