Lets get married

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A month later

When I got home I was proud of what I look like. Casey hasnt been able to get enough of me lately. My sister, after we found her and zoe in our bed she moved with him.

Its the first week back to work im so happy I miss the kids first day but I know all my kids I taught is now in the sixth grade and doing a very good job.

Today was just a regular day in.the faculty meeting this morning they aak me to be the dance teacher for the band they started I.gladly agreed considering I wanted to be a golden delight . Every thing else was normal. Until I took the kids to there P.E connections and came back to my classroom.

There at my door was two tall men one white with blue eyes and one black looking like Morris Chestnut and the school principal. My heart started beating fast becauae the principal look devastated.

As I approached them the white male greeted me with a firm hand shake "Hello my name is Brian Mcgee." I replied "Nice to meet you." As I.looked over to the black he shoot my hand gently " Hi my name is John Johnson" he said licking his lips. "Nice to meet you." I said as our eyes locked for a minute. I quickly remember what this ring symbolize on his and my finger.

The principal, dr John stated that they where here  from Atlanta Georgia. I wanted to run because I still havent told Casey about it yet but I played it cool and said "Okay can we step in my classroom?"

Brian: We been observing you and how well you.turn this school around since you been here..

John: We.would love for you to come to our charter school and teach our young scholars.

Brian: No worrries we offer more than teaching children who.wamt to learn ( he said as he looked around my classroom and then.at Dr. John)

I interrupted and said "wait what you mean by that. All I need is kids to teach I dont care nothing about a.building or what it look like I  want kids to learn im not worried about materialistic things.!"

Right as Brian was about to reply im sure he waant meaning in that mannor. We really just would live for you to work at  our school and pour your knowledge into our kids.

I look frustrated as I replied "Alright well let me talk to my family about.this alright thanks for coming by." that night I went home thinking about how what bebefits this can do for us moving to Georgia.

When I got home, I was greeted by Casey talking things out of my hands and walking me to the bed room. On bed sat a nice white silk dressand clear 6inch heels. i turn around and looked at him and said "Cause i want to show off my beautiful wife." i smiled and proceeded into the bathroom i took a hour long shower, then get out and do my make up and paint my nails and toes thenapply my mke up and i was ready to 4 hours later.

As i walked down stairs I saw casey just laying on the couch sleeping.  All I could do was smile he looked so peacefull. I tapped him and said " Baby, Im ready." he leaned up and said " about time  woman it took you a week to get out the shower." i looked at him and laughed as he got up. When we got out side the house there was a black mercedes ben in front of our house to take us to the event. 

"Ohh this must be a fancy event if they have epople comeing to get you." i said played with the window. he looked at me and started laughing. I looked confused and said what you laughing for ... whats funny. " You. You are really cracking me up baby."  "Whatever ima get my laugh in some time tonight."

When we arrived at the galla  I was filled with joy as Casey was like this is nothing new at all. I felt so out of place cause other people and there wives  where acting the same as Casey. As we walked threw, two men came up to us greeting casey and I. I was very  excited about being here as the head bitch in charge. i felt like a famous star that people had been dying to see.

The night was going great until this lady name Chrystal came up to be in her champaine fitted dress and said "you know your man always brought me here right." i looked indirectly and said " well thank you but the real wife is here now your dismiss, your hoe servicies are no longer needed in his ife." I felt like i won that battle and it was over until she said " Is that coco chanell necklace? Your huband brought me the same one.' and she revealed the entire necklace to me.

I knew i need to come back stronger than that bullshit. I replied "Oh thats nice or what not but ahhh your never offical with out one of these sweetheart." as i showed the big rock on my finger . i wasnt sure if my ring was blinding her or reality hit that she wasnt nothing but a extra in his movie and i was the star. Moments later he walks up and i just wanted to slap the taste out of his mouth .

she looked at him and said well hey Casey he looked at her and said hey there and i looked as he and her was making love to eachother in their mind. Its cool cause I'll leave with my kids to Atlanta and take that teaching position and he can be here with this hoe. I was just standing there like is  he really disrepecting me like im not standing here. So i walked off  but before i did that I took the neck lace off and left it on the island at the bar and walked towars the exit he watched me walk away and continued to conversate with her.

That night at like 12am i was laying the bed sound asleep until hee come angryly into the room and yelled " what the fuck was that ? you wanna cause a fucking scene any and every where you go huh?" I looked at him like he was crazy " Nigga ! you and your bitch was in the middle of something so i decided to excuse my self from the equation." Then he pulled the necklace out his pocket  and said " Do you know how much this cost, this aint shit just to be throwing around."

I looked at him cause he just pissed me off " Well not that much you can go buy two and I dont even get it first. that bitch gets it first so then she sit here and flaunt it in my face. and your really askng me why  took it off and left it there give it to your side bitch!" he looked at me with his clenched teeth and said " She already have one." quickly after he said that he realized he had fucked up but it was wayy to late for a sorry and he wasnt finna give one if wasnt to late i looked him in the eyes and walked out the room and said well then maybe you should have time for you and your mistress and i took the ring off and put it on the dresser and then said "give this to her im sure thats one thing she dont have or do she?"  

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