Gone and get ya money

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            After seeing Dedra on stage doing her thang she has become the most wanted by the males and the most hated by the dancers. their regulars wasnt so regular anymore. But I never understood why they was so mad they checks was looking just like mine every 2 weeks . I guess they was just upset cause they daily at night was a good 200 dollars just like me.

            Because Dedra was Miss Club Fantasy of course Xaylah was gone try some fuck shit. on Friday the bartender for that nigh which was Azayla stopped me and dedra as we were wakking to locker room and said " Aye Dedra watch out down there i gurentee you they plotting some bullshit against you." Dedra replied with no fear " oh baby I am NOT stressing over them . Where I come from we fight first and ask questions later . Better yet let me find a fuck to give then we can continue this conversation cause aint nun of these hoes bought this life." And she walked off looking like the baddest bitch in the club. I stood there and asked Azayla where bernard was she told me " He's in his  office. " I ran to his office and bust in the door as screamed as I ran out of breathe " Bernard the tryna jump on Dedra! "

As we ran down I see Terica snatching weaves into the wall and Dedra stomping bitches and I see xaylah, the master mind behind this just sitting there. then I see a bitch running behind Terica with a chair and I rushed pass Bernard and slammed that bitch.  Why?  cause we ride or die.

   Bernard got every security gaurd  possible to stop the fight he sat Terica Dedra and me down and said. "what the Fuck was that!" Terica said "a riot.." I hit Terica to make her stop talking. he said "Oh really? " and then he walked out. moments later he walked in with a waitress uniform and gave it to Terica. Terica handed it back and said "Oh No I don't get down with this stripping shit. " Bernard smirked at her comment and replied " baby girl you just started a "riot " so therefore you have two choices you can either put this uniform on or go to jail for aggravated assault and  damaging the property. " she jumped up and grabbed the uniform and said "Mr Bernard what can I do for you tonight?" he replied " go up stairs Belinda will show you what to do. " then he went to me and said " Belinda the hell was u doing man!" I had No comment he said

      "it cool don't say Nothing you not going to be waitressing nomore. " my eyes became very huge as I was about to beg to keep as went on to say " your going to be stripping." my eyes were still big but I was relieved. then dismissed me and as I walked out he said enjoy you last day as head waitress. Well at lease until Kc come back. I look back with a blank stare cause I knew the way I slammed her she won't be back for at lease 6 months. He excorted Dedra into his office. only two things was going to happen he was either going to beat her or Fuck her one of those.

    two hours later she came out on the stage and she was glowing me and Terica looked at eachother and said "she got the dick."

The next night it was my night I came out the shower sweating bricks.  I sprayed lick all over,  all over me.  Bernard came in laughing and gave me a hug and said "you look good lienda baby " I looked at him with a blank stare.  I looked in the mirror and I was wearing a black silk dress with strap heels I walk up the long stair to the long dark hall that led to the stage I stood behind the curtain until I her give up for crystal.  the nigga went. crazy as r kelly you remind me of something came on. I stepped out and a whole other side came out I was using the stage as my living room. I grinding the floor droped my dress and undid my bra as my breast peep out like they where shy that night my tip was over 300 just on the stage.  as I walked of I figured I had make some kind of business plan until that bitch come back.

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