Best Friends

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Two weeks later I called Terica and Dedra on three way.

Dedra: Hey. y'all im wait for my flight. (sounding excited )

Terica: I been here I'M just waiting for y'all.

Me: ya Well I'M on my way I'M in the grey hound (sounding sad)

Dedra: Why What's wrong you not suppose to be coming until August.

Me: Me and Casey done forreal so I'M trying to leave here as soon as possible! but Ima see y'all when I get there I got to go.

When I got there the next morning I arrived at the bus station in North Carolina. I called Terica to come get me. Two hours later I was at the North Carolina A&T. When I got there my dorm was in freshman building and I was with room in a four bedroom just me, Terica, Dedra and some other girl. when I walked in Dedra came and gave me a big huge.

I look how she have changed since she moved from alabama to california in high school. She 5"3 with a coke bottle body better than mines her hair was 20 inches. Her waist is 39. Her lips were soft as a pillow and her face was was as soft as a baby bottom.

When I leaned to hug Terica all natural. Her is honey blonde and black and krinkley. Natural face and an body to die for. As we got finish greeting each other they showed me the dorm.

First there was the living room. It had two black couches, a glass coffee table with a flat screen tv with two big windows. next was the kitchen with three cabinets,black marble counter and a microwave with a black refrigerator with sasasges in it. and theres two rooms on each side of the house

Then Terica showed me her room which was black and purple. she had a black a purple comforter on her twin bed along with five black and purple pillows. She had a brown desk with a light over it. A black hamper. And her laptop and her clothes neatly.

Then we went to the other side of the house which was Dedra room she had leopard sheets leopard pillow a white desk and a leopard lamp and her clothes were neat.

Then they showed me my room it was so naked. so I said we go down stairs and get my stuff out the car? when we got to the car and we pulled my stuff out a tall dark skin boy walk up and said here baby and Terica looked back. they kissed, I couldn't believe Terica finally for a man. a few months ago you couldn't pay her to date a boy.

He ask if he could help and took the stuff from us and walked it to our room I looked at him looking at Terica and said "Good choice! " she said I know and he in the band, come on girl conditioning starts in two hours.

Two hours later after putting my room together I really just wanted to go to sleep, but I had to get up and go condition because I was so going to be a golden delight. when we got there there was like 100 girls there I wanted to walk off but u knew I could dance my ass if so I wasn't having that so we had to run 10 laps 200 push up and 50 sit ups 60 planks and 100 squats. when two months went by I look like a top model.

Before school started we had to. get a physical for dance and we all went to the clinic and we sign up for a blood test and that day we all found out some bad. Dedra has meningitis, Terica has bone fracture in her shoulder. and a few days later the doctor called me to come in he sat me in his office and said you health is Good while I was sitting there I was hoping he wasn't about to as at I caught a desease from Casey and his hoe shayla! he went on further to say that I was 2 months pregnant.

Love And Warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें