Now That Shes Gone

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As I continued to cook the chicken, red potatoes ,and frozen strain beans. I look back and I look at Casey laying on the couch sleep and Serena laying on him sleep too. I am a very slow cooker so it put then to sleep I guess. as my foot was cooking I started on the desert I wanted to make a Cherry pie and a chocolate pie. so as I prepared the pie and place the oven Casey woke up.

By that time my golden brown chicken. was done and my steamed Patatos and my peas was done I started fixing plates and Casey asked "is there anything I can help you with?" I looked back at him and said Yes you can cut up the bread. So as I was fixing and he was cutting he said "Belinda u wanted to come back." I just let her her to me. " I said "it's fine all the matters is that you here now. " my question is How you get all this money?" we laughed it off as he walled to the table with the bread and I walked to the table with the plates. as I walked to wake up serena ,casey said "can we start over."

I look back and said mindlessly thinking and said "Yes." as we sat there eating like a big family and catching time flew pass and it was 7pm. I had to be at work in a hour. so I hoped up said "I'm sorry I got get ready for work. " he looked at me and said well Serena and I will be here watching movies.

When I got to the club Terica said "Bernard about to beat some body and he waiting for you." I looked at her with no fear cause if I was the girl he was gonna beat I fights males. As I walk in I look at Xaylah and she had a snorkeling I just wanted to smack right off of her. Bernard Look back at me and said "ohh look whose Here." he walked to me and grabbed me. I said as I look down at his hand on my arm , "is there a reason yo hand on me." I could tell he was drunk.

I pulled me to the front and turned me around and smacked my ass I scream 'Bernard you drunk so Ima just leave cause you could just get smacked back. " I can't believe What he did he got kids all kinds of fucked up.

Bernard POV

I can't believe I got Dedra pregnant. she so happy. I love her but I know what a kid gone do to her life. I'm so drunk and the club opens in like 30 minutes where's belinda????

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