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"WAIT WAIT I'M HERE I'M HERE! HERE'S MY TICKET MA'AM" I said rushing to catch the Mega bus to Tennessee at 10 pm. "Your Belinda? " the lady asked. I replied "yes." "I need to see ID. " I showed my ID to her then she let me on the bus. I walked up the stairs to the top of the Mega and sat in the middle.

I had an extra seat to my self. That was Good cause I can relax from coming from a teen court and running in heals to catch this bus. I'M going to surprise my boyfriend for his birthday day he's still in school, but I know this the last time until Christmas that I'll be able to see him because we're going to two different colleges he's going Alabama State University, and I'm going to North Carolina A&T. So I would love to see him for his birthday.

So as I sat in my seat I am getting rest up, so I won't have bags under my eyes. As we were leaving Alabama, it hit me that this is the last time I'll see my home for a long time because, when I leave Tennessee in August I'm headed straight to North Carolina on Greyhound, that will be okay with me cause I'm making a better life for me.

At the age of 19 I'm doing pretty Good so as I lay there I take my black leather jacket and put it over my black fitted dress, and I kick off my black pumps and put my Gucci scarf over my non-processed Brazilian considering I don't have the appropriate room to fix my hair and I'm knocked out.

Three hours go by, and the lady makes a stop in Tilton, Ga for thirty minutes I use the restroom and brush my teeth and got me a chicken biscuit, and a suicide which is all soda mixed together and Casey brother called me I asked him I was in Tilton and why was he whispering he said " cause Casey near me. " I laughed and said okay Well I'M on the way.

As I sat there, all I could think about is the future me and Casey would soon have once we graduate college and make a beautiful life out of everything we've ever worked so hard for.

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