Missing You

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"HURRY UP LETS GO ! DOWN, UP, DOWN ,UP!" The trainer yell at me as I did 150 set cruches. "I can't ! How many I got left? I cried. "56!"He yelled.

I only been here for three days and im ready to go home. I been running 2 miles , 200 sqots to tone my ass up , run unders to tone my thighs.

After three hours of hell I getbto eat breakfast I had whole wheat pancakes, cherry yogurt, and cantaloupe. And them I got three hours of down time so I called my family.

Casey: Hey baby ! I got so much to tell you...

Me: well tell me all about it.. wait let me talk to Serena first.

Casey: okay, hold on

Serena: hey mommy

Me: Hey baby how are you?

Serena: Im okay daddy can't cook ,he almost burnt up the kitchen, he flooded the washing machine,and---- (Casey pulled the phone away from her hear)

Stop itt daddy give it back... love you mommy come home daddy dont know what he doing ..... she whined

Casey: hello

Me: yes, what you over there doing

Casey: fucking shit up them twins they are bad and ya sisters are annoying they need to grow the hell up.

Me: Ive only been gone gone three days how are you already fucking things up (as i laughed)

Casey: I dont know man look when you coming home i cant do this alone.

Me: I'll be home soon. I love you.

(Phone hangs up)

I cant wait to go home. I miss my family.

Casey POV

Its only been 3 days and I been dodging Naiomi every since i mushed her face to the grown after she tried to give me head. when ever i walk in the kitchen and she comes in, I leave. she walk around me showing all that ass she got it temping but I

dont have time to die. " We have to stop this

2 Weeks Later

I woke up happy because in one more week my baby will be home. And I know exactly What ima do for Naiomi, ima get her with my partner:

Zoe: Yo Casey man what's up?

Me: shit! Aye you and ya baby mama... yall good


Me: I hear ya, I hear ya aye look my wife sister came threw and she living with us now and she wanna have a good time.

Zoe: bring that ass this way. gotdamn!

Me: When?

Zoe: Tonight at Levels

Me: aye thats like 12 minutes away from me we'll be there.What time?

Zoe: 10.... Aye she better be as fine as your wif my nigga.

Me: straight she fine trust that.

As we got off the phone I walked in brianca room and asked "what you doing tonight?" She looked as she was patting her son back putting him to sleep and said "going to see my baby daddy mom, she wants to have him for a few days.. Why? "

I looked deprived. I replied "cause I need to take naiomi to levels to meet Zoe." "Well how long you gone be?" She ask as she put him down and walk towards me. Uhhh bout 30minutes I said looking at her from the bottom to the top and walk out her room.

I walk to Naiomi room "hey you wanna go to levels tonight?""what's that? " she said as she brushed her hair in the mirror. I leaned on the door and replied "it a club. " she walked up to me and said "Sure." I just looked at her and walked off

12 minutes later we arrive at levels she of course get in free and I have to pay we walk and I see Zoe there with a girl in his lap. When we walked in the VIP section and he saw Naiomi he pushed the the girl out of his lap. And walked up to her and introduced himself she blushed, after that they was getting along great and I went home alone.

Belinda POV

2weeks later

I'm so happy to be coming home I can't wait to see my kids I know they miss me. I look so good after this one month I lost my thunder thighs and gain my slim waist back. I still have these breast because I still have to breast feed. My ass to fat now just like how it used to be. My face is no longer fat anymore I look amazing to me. My confidence is through the roof and i want my husband to see it too.

Casey POV

I'm sitting here at work waiting for Belinda to tell me she on her way home. I miss her so much I wish i never drew her to this because I now know I much I need her. After my attempt to cook the first week she was gone I knew I needed her cause her sisters can't do nothing, not even boil water. I growing impatience I should just go home and wait for her.

When I got home I sat around watching TV then I begin to rest less so I went upstairs and get into my exercise clothes and went to the gym up the street I was working on my push up, mountain climbers, etc. then I went for a walk around the track and then decided to run our gated community which was not bad. After a while I got tired and I ran home, when I got in the house I was still jogging in place while I close the front door.

I looked up and saw Naomi walking out of her room half naked walking to the kitchen as she open the refrigerator she said "Hey Casey." I shooked my head and ran back outside cause I don't have time for the bullshit my wife coming home soon I need peace. But she do look good

Belinda POV

Riding home I just know he's going to be happy to see me because I'm looking good and i know him starving, missing my cooking. When I roll up to the house I see his car. I wondered why his car in the drive way he supposed to be at work right now. I walk in the house and i hear noises coming from my bedroom upstairs it was about to get real him and that bitch dead.

I run to the kitchen and grab he sharpest butcher knife because I'm cutting throats today! As I shook up the stairs I seen the door wasn't locked so I thought to myself this nigga got balls. As I went to open the door someone tapped me on the shoulder smelling like a banana saying what are you doing? I jumped as i looked back and it was Casey eating a banana looking confused. I replied "Well if you right here then who the fuck in my bedroom?" he looked at me as he looked angry he said "I don't know but I'm about to find out." he barged in to the room and stood there and walked in after him to see my sister and Zoe in my bed fucking. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YALL NASTY ASSES DOING GET THE FUCK OUT MY GOT DAMN BED YALL GOT LIFE FUCKED UP!" I said as I waved the knife around in my hand

Casey was just standing there laughing and saying "ya'll get out the room." they looked at me like i was crazy I was not. Casey grabbed me and observed my body and said "damn bae you looking right. i seen his penis getting aroused tapped him on the chest with the knife and said not right now. i walked down stairs and I walked in my sister room and said " why my bed tho?" and then I closed the door and walked in to the kitchen and put the knife up and went upstairs and changed my sheets.

I wanted to see my kids but Brianca had took them to sea world so I had to wait. That night I and Casey was the only ones in the house Naiomi went to Zoe house. So I decided to give Casey what he was feening for earlier today. He grabbed me and snaked all my clothes off and let me ride his face, afterward he pulled my tiny waist down to his dick and shoved it inside me pounding me. He then threw me over on my knees hitting it from the back it hurt so bad but felt so good that consisted of out night

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