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It's been 6 months since Casey came back. Casey  and Serena are invisinable. I have to admit I was alittle  jealous but I'm glad they close. Terica  been seeing alot of Dr.miles I think there dating cause every night shes out with him. Brianca due in three more months and she already making my head hurt with her hormones. for me well I'm practicing my teaching. I fuck him from time to time but he sleeps in the guess room i aint got time to be catching feelings again.

Every since dedra left she hasn't talked to any of us. Bernard has been so depressed but my only thing he put this  upon his self .I guess he didn't think it would affect him that bad but he mad the bitch the new club fantasy. but the funny thing is no one like her , as in the crowd. I finally went back to waitressing. I miss it. It was Friday  and i was getting ready for work but something told me to pack some extra clothes because he's going to ask me to dance. As i was packing Terica come running into my room with Brianca following " girl did you see what dedra put on insta?" I replied "no." while I was packing my bag i added " If its bad i dont wanna see it ... period." I looked at them with a serious face and brianca proceeded to wobble out the room and Terica stood there looking at me and asked " Why you packing all that stuff ?" I looked up at her and said " I have a feeling that  Bernard is going to ask me to dance tonight." Casey walked pass and smirked while saying " Ha this is funny I got to see this." I stood up and slammed the door while saying " you just wanna see free pussy shut up !"

When we got there ass we walked in the club the security gaurd let me and Terica walkin even thought terica wasnt working but he stopped Casey. He quickly replied "im with them." I looked at him and said oh since you with us hold my stuff it was three bags . he was struggling . he mummbled " Waitresses really think they important." I stomped his foot im  sure he changed his mine then. When we actually ot good inside the club we seen the new some new girl on the stage and she was getting it on that poll tho. whenw e got into the loker room we saw Bernard new lady who was also miss club fantasy getting ready to go up after sara. she looked nervous . I asked " What's wrong with you girl you do this every night."  After I prep talked her she got on stage I peeped out the curtain niggas was looking like thy was about to fall asleep.

While I was looking at her dance Bernard comes up and grabs me and say " Um.. you got some dancing clothes?" he said l while he was looking nervous. " Yes Bernard i have clothes what you want with em?" i say smirking. He pulls me into the locker room where other ladies was chilling for their break i guess and he said to me " Get dress you up next ..You got music?" I looked at hime laughing and said " yes here you go handing hi my ipod with Back It Up by Rich Kidz song on it. he said thanks and looked back at the other girls and said "what the fuck yall just sitting here for !? Get yall ugly asses to work! " When he walked out i looked at the other girls they was mad it was alomist like they had pressure or something.

Whe it was my turn to go I didn't know what to do cause I haven't danced in a while so I kicked off my shoes and just started dancing. I did tricks and etc and i had money flowing from the people poakcets to the stage . Casey sat there looking like he did when he first saw m which made me crack a smile. because even tho we are not together anymore we are very close like fiends with benefits. when i got off the stage I handed the money to Bernard so e could count it. I was making a point that he should choose a Miss Club Fantasy that actually makes money for the club. I think he got the memo.

 Later that night I was walking pass his office to the wash room and I heard him and Miss Club Fabtasy argueing . The door was cracked so I decided to be nosey. The music was loud up stairs so i had to get very close. Bernard said camly " I dont think this is the job for you. I mean your pretty in all and im sure you can benefit but not dancing maybe waitressing .." She replied agrly " I dont want to waitress those bitches are rude as fuck I can dance!" Bernard replied aggravated " You not fit out for this kind of dancing end of confersation" "No tell me why I cant dance?" Bernard blurtted out "Your NOt DEDRA." it was silence for a good 30 seconds and I knew some one was about to come out to the room so I ran to laundry room and sure enough when i peeped out she had ran out crying.

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