I Just Cant do this

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As I packed my bags to go to the hotel for the text two weeks I called Ncat admission office to tell then that I will be moving into my dorm room in July which was like two week from now. When I was done I looked around to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. which I didn't and I took the necklace off and put it on his  dresser.

as I looked at the door and there was Casey walked in the room and closed the door and locked the door I said "Casey look----" he cut me off and said "Belinda I'M sorry you had to find that out like that. but I do like her alot." I looked at him as tears filled my eyes and I attempted to leave the room before I killed him.

but he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me and said "but I don't love her. I love you.! " he looked me in my eyes and start kissing me.and I lost my self for a minute and when I dropped my bags I realized I'M getting comfortable and I pushed him off me and said " I love you and I care about you but you keep hurting me and I keep forgiving you I just can't do this."I gave him one last kiss and walked away and look back on last time and he was on the floor crying and that brought more tears from my eyes so I rushed out the house

I clocked into the Marriott hotel for two weeks when I went to my room and there was a couch and a flat Sony TV.and a big bed just for me. I jumped in the shower as I stood in there I would bath my self and cry a minutes and then I went to sit on corner of the shower and screamed and cried.

After a hour of acting possesed in the bathtub I got out.  as I walked out in to the bedroom I had a towel on my head  drying my hair and I looked at the phone and it was my bestriend. terica calling.
Me: Hey
Terica: Hey gurl. when you coming to North Carolina.?
Me : two weeks...
Terica:  gurl What's wrong? what Casey do girl you know I'll come up there and shank his ass!
Me:  Nothing Ima call you later okay.

As I laid in the bed flipping channels Casey text me: Hey belinda can we talk?  I put my phone down and picked up the hotel phone and ordered me some food like a pizza and some junk food and a big soda after I did that I started watching the glass house.

although I've seen it a thousand and one time the two glass house movies never gets old. when the door rung the man stood there until the commercial came on.that was a Good ten minutes. after I got my food and got back in bed my phone rang.

I  answered, not paying attention to who it might be "hello this is Belinda who's this ?" "it's me Casey! don't hang up come open your door." 

Love And WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora