You Are?????? The Father

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It's been three weeks and I haven't said a word to Casey. I just get up and fo to work I dont want to speak to him he dont understand what he has done to me since denice gave birth to that damn baby.

"Belinda why wont you fucking talk to me? Are you mad at me for being a !" Casey screamed at me. I looked at him as if he was a psycho " You call your self beimg a father. I ALMOST GAVE BIRTH THREE WEEKS AGO TO THESE TWINS AND YOU WAS ONLY GOD KNOWS AND WASNT THERE AT ALL. But when Denice was in labor you jumped seas to get to her. fuck no it don't work like that."

As I walked off I didn't care nir did I give a care about how he felt about what I said.

Casey POV

I cant believe she really thinks I dont care about this marriage and my kids. I know I been messing up but I love her maybe I.just need to show her by having a family day with her, serena and my newborn, no Denice.

As I walked in the room I didnt know what Belinda was going to say to me. "Belinda im sorry." she just looked at me and continued folding clothes.  "look I know you mad at me and I just wanna show you I love my kids and my wife."As I pulled her close to me. "How are you going to show me that you actually love ya kids and me?" she said to me.

"Lets go to the Zoo." I suggested. she looked at me and said "Whatever my moms coming so get ready." I looked at her with disbelief because her mom and her has the worse relationship ever. they fight.over everything.

"You just always fucking up huh?" Brianca said to me. I looked up to her as I sat on the porch and said "I'm trying to get right. she loked back at me and said "oh by the way that baby don't look shit like you. I'm just being honest."

I wasn't trying to hear that. that baby is mines. she wouldnt try to sabotage my relationship for a baby that aint mine. maybe I should just stop thinking about that craziness.


(KNOCK KNOCK) "Who is it." I asked as I was holding Casey son in my arms putting him to sleep . "Ya mama!" I just rolled my eyes and prayed as I opened the door and a fake smile. "wheres my grand daughter ? And whos baby is this? why are you holding it im sure they don't there  child." I looked at her and eyes as.she walked pass me. "Serena is.upstairs, Im putting this baby to sleep and this baby is casey and Denice baby." I replied to my mother dryly. "That baby dont look like casey baby ." she replied as she walked off in search of denice.

As she walked off  I looked at Casey baby and I was at that moment suspect to. So I walked to the room and asked Casey "Casey??" as I walked to sit on the bed. "Yeah baby." He said walking out the master bathroom. "How positive are you that Denice baby is yours?" as i looked up at him. he stop drying his body and looked at me. "100% why?" he said with a attitude. "Just asking." I said as I got off the bed and walked back down stairs.

On the way to the zoo I slept the whole way there. when we got there we looked at the animals and serena took pictures with the animals. she tried to feed the animals her amimal crackers. it was amazing. I had a nice time. we ate lunch and we headed to Golden Corral my mom and Casey was actually getting along. shit my mom was being nice that was a first.

later that night we headed back home and Denice came to get ha baby . I wanted to do a paternity test but I didnt know how about to go by it.  when I went to the room I seen casey was in the shower and the baby was on the bed so I ran in the bath room and grab cotton swabs and swabbed the baby mouth. I then grabbed a mini ziplock bags from my purse and and put hers in it titled Camie I went down stairs with Camie and handed her to Denice. She put her down quick and said "I need to talk to Casey." she said demanding . I replied nicely "Oh yeah sure. He in the shower right now. You want a glass of water , tea ,lemonade whike you wait?"

She forcefully said yes to tea. I.pour her a half full cup and a clear glass and handed it to her. I watched her drink as I yelled for casey to come.down stairs . By the time she finished he was walking down the stairs. she handed me the glass and walked towards. " We need to talk !" she said to Casey. He shrugged  his shoulders and said "yeah whats up?" she looked back me and said "outside please."

As soon as they walked out side.I quickly grabbed another q tip and rubbed the rim of the glass she she drunk off of.and stuck it in another zip lock bag and titled it Denice. I had stick those my purse and come back down stairs to.wash the little dishes that was in the house from brianca. I felt my babies just.kicking and moving around it was starting to annoy me.

later that night I played sleep untill casey fell asleep at 11pm then I waited until he was dead sleep which was like 12:30 I grabbed one more q tip and pulled his bottom.lip out and swab it amd put it in a zip lock bag and tittled it Casey.

the next morning I woke up and cooked breakfast and cooked for the house.

I then took my mom to the airport so she can go back home. I then went to pay bills and go shopping. with.all the riping.and running I was doing.when i looked in my purse I seem the DNA samples in my purse and realized I needed to get to a DNA.testing center. After I got all my.items I ran to the car threw them in the car and ran to the testing place and paid my fee and handed the samples off.  The man there will be a week or so. I was perfectly fine with that.

I hope my feelings are right aboutthis little girl not being casey's.

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