Meeting the Parents

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The steady clacking of the train tracks jostled them as they stood together, Eijirou held onto a pole above his head and wrapping his spare arm around Katsuki's waist. Today was the first time Katsuki was going to Eijirou's to meet his parents, and he was not fucking nervous he just had a stomach ache and somehow it was cold enough in June for his hands to shiver and shake. Eijirou was reasonably nice he must have got that from somewhere only a weakling would be scared of meeting two nice ladies and a few kids.
However he had never been particularly good with parents or anyone for that matter and while he didn't give a shit, Eijirou was different. He was strong and dependable all of Katsuki's aggression and fire bounced off his skin, ricocheting off on the back of hearty laughter so he might have wanted to impress Eijirou's parents, maybe desperately and fuck it was ridiculous because it wouldn't matter anyway and he was still the same awesome guy and Eijirou would still probably, hopefully, go anywhere with him (do anything for him) even without his parents approval.
But Katsuki Bakugou was the best at everything he was determined to prove he deserved Eijirou (although most said he didn't and a lot of the time he was inclined to agree) so he could and would be the best fucking boyfriend in existence. He still would be putting all of his energy into being the best he could for Eijirou because he deserved the world and Katsuki would bring him the moon on a stick if he asked. Refusing to show any signs of weakness, he thrust his feelings inwards shoulders tensing, eyebrows pinching, and leaning into Eijirou's warmth for comfort that could be disguised as PDA or whatever.
Eijirou, the fucker could already tell that he was nervous and once they reached the station he went out of his way to walk slower and take 'the scenic route' home to give his boyfriend more time to prepare. As they walked hand in hand and calloused thumbs rubbed warmth into his trembling fingers, Katsuki caught himself thinking, once again, that he really didn't deserve this much affection with a last reassuring squeeze of his hand at the doorway, Eijirou let's go and turned his key in the lock. By the time they had took their shoes off a woman with scarlet, shoulder-length hair had come into the hallway and grinned over blunt teeth" Welcome back, Eijirou and you must be Katsuki. Nice to meet you, champ. I'm Reui Kirishima" her eyes crinkled at the sides as she smiled wider and reached out to ruffle Eijirou's hair" Dinner's in the oven, kids are in the sitting room and, and what else?" "And Denki's here," called a voice from another room" Today?" Kirishima asked in disbelief" said it's for moral support or something," she shrugged" come in and see the twins anyway. Suki wants to see you in the flesh too, Katsuki" she smiled again and Katsuki could see the obvious resemblance between her and her son in both her looks and spirit. It was a comforting presence but he still felt a little nervous not that he'd ever let that show he held himself carefully as they entered the living room. The last thing he wanted to do was fucking swear in front of little kids
Kaminari was lounging in the middle of the sofa, a pink-haired twin either side of him while they all copied the ridiculous arm movements of an anime opening that was blaring in bright colour on the TV screen. Katsuki was sure he could hear Denki mumbling the words under their breath too Eijirou asked" What are you doing, man? How did you even get here before us?" He then carried on in an exasperated whisper so his mothers in the kitchen couldn't hear" Are you really gonna interrupt this important relationship moment?" Denki whines" but I'm bored and I practically live here anyway," his eyes still tracing the shapes on the screen he continued" You guys are getting together and you're gonna leave me behind to third wheel forever! I gotta make the most of this while I can" "What the f-" Katsuki started but quickly realised his mistake. He held onto the consonant as two pairs of bright eyes trained on him, waiting for his next move while he desperately tried to think of a way to recover-"udge?" Denki snickered while Eijirou gave him a flat look" Also I only get limited opportunities to see flustered, awkward Katsuki so I wanna make the most of that" "Fair," Eijirou agreed while Katsuki looked at him incredulously, holding both his tongue and quirk back as well as he could. Kirishima said" Move over Rei we want to sit down," he pat her head affectionately. Denki shakes his head" Nuh-uh the only space left is reserved for my buddy Kaida, isn't that right?" He smiled at the Eijirou's youngest sibling who was playing with toy cars in the middle of the room" No Nari!" said the toddler, giving them his best glare over puffed out cheeks. Katsuki smirks" get rekt, Drooly," he was already taking a liking to the rest of Eijirou's siblings and even considering giving Kaito a high five if he got close enough" Stop bullying Kaminari," Denki muttered, earning an eye roll from Eijirou. Katsuki watched in confusion as Ami closed her eyes and screwed up her face, little fists balled and shaking as her cheeks began to go red then pop! A mini Kaminari stared back at him, sticking out their tongue and pulling as silly a face as possible" Good job but forgot their lightning bolt again" Eijirou said, chuckling as the look of strained concentration returned and black zigzaged across blond. On his other side, Suki was sitting statue still, her features gradually changed as her hair drew back, seemingly into her skull, and colour spread from the roots. Finally streaks of black painted the left side of her head and she was finished. They danced around the room, grimacing and doing terrible (but still accurate) impressions while the real Denki chased after them offering loud indignant comments from behind an affectionate smile. Kaida was laughing his head off, high peals of laughter fluttering into the next room" They're fuckin' creepy," Katsuki said through the beginnings of a smile" They are," Eijirou hummed in agreement" They're good at using their quirks though for eight-year-olds at least Denki loves them to death" Denki was in the middle of an overdramatic speech explaining how hurt his feelings were when he took a step forward and stood on one of Kaida's cars, losing his balance. He stumbled forwards and fell into an armchair unharmed except for bashing his face on the arm as they went down. Denki asked" Anyone got a tissue?" He cupped a hand over their bloody nose" Who's bleeding?" Kirishima's mother asked as she appeared from nowhere and frowning in the doorway Katsuki put her split second reaction down to just being a super-mum before he noticed the nostrils of her broad, triangular nose twitching just super-human then. Her brown coloured hair was tied back in a tight ponytail and her expression was stern. He had never thought to ask Eijirou about his family's quirks but seeing the slits running down her neck and the thick grey skin that extended into slight fins are her elbows he guessed that his mother had some sort of shark mutation with all the different quirks in his house no wonder Eijirou was so strong yet still felt so inadequate and unflashy. Eijirou looked at his mother" Denki" his mother asked showing feigning ignorance over a slight smile and revealing rows of razor sharp teeth" Which Denki?" "The real one," Ami replied, shapeshifting again so she returned to her usual self but with a shark's nose and sniffed the air curiously. Fuck, it was hard to keep up here, too many loud people he didn't know (and one he did who he wasn't expecting to be there) threw him off balance. His brows furrowed as he tried desperately to snatch the threads of conversation going around the room. Usually he would just block them out but Eijirou's family were kind of important and no matter how mix-matched and chaotic they were he'd do his best to fit in and maybe one day he could call this place a second home. Whatever the outcome he was definitely going to kick Eijirou's ass later for turning him into a sappy idiot without meaning to he had zoned out and only came back into the room when Eijirou's hand settled on his lower back. He blinked hazily and looked up at Eijirou's mother who was looking at him expectantly noticing his blank expression, she smiled reassuringly and began again" Is that okay, sweetheart? Denki staying for dinner?" Sweetheart? Well his mother never talked like that fuck she didn't think he was weak, did she? Why would he mind fucking Drooly being there apart from them interrupting the first time he would officially meet Eijirou's parents? Maybe that interruption was the whole reason he hoped it fucking was, at least. Social cues were another thing that he wasn't great at but didn't give a shit about" Yeah" he grunted, shrinking back into Eijirou's side a little as she nodded and walked back into the kitchen, grimacing at his own coarse tone. Eijirou patted his thigh encouragingly, the look in his eyes telling Katsuki he didn't do terribly and fuck everything up not that he would of course, not yet" kids. Dinner," Ruei called from the kitchen. The twins scrambled to get up and Eijirou went to pick up Kaida, who was still adamantly playing with his toys. Katsuki was at a loss of where to sit, hovering tense and awkward while Denki sat next to Ami and waited for Eijirou to plop Kaida next to him for all their antics it seemed like Kaida actually did like Denki a lot and was just stubborn seemed familiar. Eijirou tugged on his wrist and sat him at the head of the table with Suki on one side and himself on the other. Ruei set down the plates of curry and Katsuki noticed that he had some extra chillies on the side with a slight smirk. The food was delicious and got wolfed down quickly while passing pleasantries and stories about their days were passed around the table. Denki laughed with Ami and stole the vegetables Kaida pushed to the side of his plate while Suki smiled warmly at them they fit in. It was all so natural and homely, making Katsuki stick out like a sore thumb. Soon the kids got bored and stopped picking at their food to mess around instead. Yuki and Ami stared at Katsuki as they tried to copy his image while Kaida flicked his fingers and sent droplets of water flying around the room. Mostly hitting his siblings and laughing and even having the guts to splash Katsuki on the nose an idea sparked in Kaida's mind and he reached out, eyes intense with concentration as he lifted his entire drink out of its container and it gradually made its way over to Denki and Ami" Right. That's enough," said Saki, grabbing the empty cup and scooping the ball of water out of thin air" No quirks at the table"
The opposite side of the table groaned as Yuki looked accusingly at Kaida" Babe, I think you've forgotten one use of quirks at dinner which is kinda your fault," said Reui.
Saki gave her a look then rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation" Fine. Shark teeth are allowed but no shapeshifting into Eijirou's friends" The twins smiled with pointed teeth and Suki grinned too, her quirk hardening her teeth into ridged points. Denki asked" Does that really make a difference when you eat?" He stole more food off Kaida's plate as he moved to sit in his mom's lap and pick at her dinner instead" a tiny noticeable difference for food like this when it's already tender. For meat though, definitely," replied Saki. Ami said" We just do it because it's fun," Reui said" I wish you would all behave for once when we have a guest over," "Kaminari you're on of us now, don't give me that look. Anyway Katsuki we've heard so much about you I'm glad to finally meet you. You'll always be welcome here" Reui said smiling. Reui said "Some people take that statement more literally than others,"she grins at Kaminari" But we do mean it. I'm surprised you're so quiet, though from all the stories and knowing the rest of Eijirou's close friends I didn't think quiet people would have an easy time with you guys" she continued.
Eijirou glanced at Bakugou who had paled a little and looked extremely uncomfortable being in the spotlight he reached under the table he grasped at Katsuki's hand and gave it a firm squeeze before turning back to his parents, still holding hands with his boyfriend. He gave his mom a look that he hoped conveyed the message to stop commenting on Bakugou's behaviour and making him feel awkward. He said softly" can you guys stop being embarrassing. Katsuki is amazing but I don't talk about him that much." Denki putted in" Oh my God you do, though! Katsuki this, Katsuki that. It's all the time! Katsuki, Katsuki, Katsuki, manliness, Katsuki" They all thought for a minute then Suki smirked" Don't worry though, Mitsuki told me Katsuki talks about you all the time, too" Katsuki went from quiet to angrily blushing and furious in less than a second his grip tightened enough for Eijirou's to activate his quirk under the table as he made a fist with the other hand and glared at Kaminari" What the f Drooly. Don't call my mom by her first name. It's creepy as hell" the vicious words turned hard and stale in his mouth after biting back almost all of the bad language. Kaminari said, unfazed" Why not? She said I could call her that," "You go round the Bakugous' a lot, too?" Saki asked. Kaminari nodded" here I was half counting you as our own and you're going behind my back and cheating with another family!" "Or three," Eijirou said. Katsuki took a slow breath through his nose, tightening his hold on Eijirou's hand until he breathed out again he was embarrassed Fuck. He was mortified not only had Denki and his own mother exposed him (they'd both fucking pay later) but he'd nearly lost it in front of Eijirou's family. He'd lost it enough to be seen as a short-tempered angry little shit as his mum liked to call him. He knew she was joking but others might honestly think that, what if they hated him? Then what would he do? How could he face Eijirou if he knew he wasn't worthy in their eyes? "-Katsuki?" Again he was brought back into the room by Reui asking him a question" You kids have spent enough time downstairs with all of us. I'm sure you're desperate to get away and hang out alone. I'm glad Eijirou's in good hands with you, Katsuki. I know you'll treat him well" A flood of relief filled Katsuki's chest, washing away the residual insecurities and anxiety. He hadn't realised he outwardly sighed until Reui let out a short laugh, his cheeks flaming crimson once again.
Their hands stayed linked as Eijirou pulled him up and they left the room, Denki said goodbyes and heas off 'home' (Mina's house). Katsuki all but collapsed onto Eijirou as they sunk down onto his bed, arms wrapped lazily around each other" knew they'd love you," Eijirou said, muffled into Katsuki's hair. Katsuki scuffs" of fucking course they did," he was fooling no one and ending the first of many interactions with the rest of the Kirishimas on a somewhat good meeting.

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