Best Friends

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(Picture above: credit _phanchan_ on Instagram)

It was a sunny day in the city of Musutafu, Japan it was near Tokyo, children at a day care were having fun together outside, an ash blonde boy was running around with a black haired boy playing heroes. The ash blonde smiled" have no fear for I am here!" He yelled out with his fist up imitating his favorite hero the number one hero/symbol of peace; All Might. His name was Katsuki Bakugou, he just got his quirk which was explosions but they weren't too powerful but can give someone a serious burn the other little boy grins showing his unusual teeth that were like shark teeth his name Eijirou Kirishima he just got his quirk also which was Hardening meaning he could harden his skin. He had a bandage over his right eyebrow because he was rubbing his eye and his quirk activated unexpectedly making him cut himself by accident and after his quirk manifested his teeth suddenly became like shark teeth. His moms thought it was a side affect from the hardening quirk, he smiled" Me to! The brave hero Crimson Riot!" The two lightly punched one another as they fought for fun not really hurting one another, the two were inseparable, where Katsuki was Eijirou was there vise versa. The two were having fun but when Eijirou moved his fist towards Katsuki and Katsuki moved away a bit too late his quirk activated since he still getting use to it and the edge of his harden arm cut Katsuki on the cheek making it bleed not too badly but there was blood sliding down his cheek. Eijirou gasps and pulls away, starts tearing up" oh gosh Suki!! I'm so sorry!!" He ran to get a teacher, the teacher had Katsuki come inside so she can clean his cheek patch it up. After hurting Katsuki Eijirou distant himself from his friend for a few weeks because he was afraid of hurting his friend again, Katsuki was discouraged about it, always tried to convince Eijirou that it was an accident but the black haired boy just shook his head and ran off and hiding somewhere till recess was over.

One day while out shopping with his mom Mitsuki, Katsuki looked over and saw through a glass window an All Might super muscle suit, he thinks about something then looks at his mom" Mommy can you buy me that please?" He said pointing to the suit, he rarely is polite so saying that surprised Mitsuki" "please?" That's something new coming from you Katsuki, alright but you have to promise to be nice to Izuku" Izuku Midoriya was his friend but he sometimes bullies him. Katsuki looked at the suit and sighs, looking at his mom" fine I promise..."

The next day Katsuki wore the suit, he went straight to Eijirou, hands on his hips, standing straight and tall" alright! Come and hug me Ei!" Eijirou whimpers, hugs his knees since he was sitting near a corner, he had a light scar above his eyebrow now, it was barely seen unless you come pretty close to him" but what if I activate my quirk and hurt you again..." Katsuki grins" you won't because I am wearing All Might's suit and it'll protect me from your quirk! So come and hug me!!" He opens his arms. Eijirou was thinking, his pointer finger on his lips then grins, jumped into Katsuki's arms and hugs him, Katsuki hugs him back, laughing" see! Told ya!" Eijirou tears up and smiled" thank you Suki! You're the bestest friend I ever had!"

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