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Everyone got their winter hero suits made and were outside heading to the building to train, everyone complimented each other's suits, Katsuki's looked super cool, Denki grins" nice suit Blasty! It even hides your man titties!!" Katsuki growls and was about to run at Denki but someone stopped him by putting their arms under his" calm down Kat, you know how he is" it was his boyfriend Eijirou Kirishima, he grunts" well he should know not to piss me off and say such fucking things, dumbass..." he grumble and looked at Eijirou he then glared at him and his eye twitches" seriously..." Eijirou's winter suit looked just like his summer one just with sleeves and longer pants, his chest was bare. Katsuki took off his scarf that he had hidden in his turtleneck and wrapped it around Kiri's neck" you are going to catch a fucking cold like that! That's barely even is a winter suit!" "It's all I can do... if I add any more I'll rip it with my quirk..." he said rubbing the back of his head blushing from being wrapped up in Katsuki's scarf and from the cold. Katsuki shakes his head" you're an idiot" Eijirou chuckles" Yeah but I'm your idiot and don't worry seeing you in your winter suit makes me all warm and toasty inside so I'll be a ok!" He grins. Katsuki blushes red and shakes his head" fucking idiot..."

(Sorry that it's so short than the others couldn't really think of a good short but long story for this day)

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