Chapter(14) Nightmares

Start from the beginning

Then as I come back to life, I realize I'm being pinned down by Davie, while Gerardo is sitting in the corner. His crutches sitting on the floor behind him. I then get control back of my limbs and stop struggling under Davie's hold on me. His arms pin my shoulders down and his legs are on top of mine to keep me from harming myself or others.

Davie realizes that I'm okay now and just needs a hug, so Davie leaves to go and probably do something with my twin sister. Most likely to catch the tail end of what movie that I just heard end in the living room. Gerardo stays in his position on the floor for a second, before standing back up, grabbing his crutches and hobbling over to my bed.

He flicks his wrist at me, making the movement that he wants me to move over. So I scoot over on the bed so there's enough room for us both to lay down comfortably. He huffs and throws his crutches across the room before letting his good leg dangle off the side of the bed. "So do you want to talk about what just happened? Or just lay here for a few minutes and pretend like we talked?" He questions me, which makes me smile before I hold up two fingers.

"Alright then, lay here in silence then pretend like we talked." He confirms as he throws a hand over my shoulders, so I lift my head so I can fully lay back on his arm. Then as if on cue, we hear Davie's voice shout up the stairs, "dinner!" So I grab my crutches and hobble down the stairs, Gerardo doing the same thing as me, but I have more grace.

We all sit down at the table, it's lasagna tonight, the extra cheesy kind just the way Jay and I like it. I barely get two bites in before I start to feel full, so I slightly push the plate away from me. Davie and Gerardo notice but they don't mention anything to me thankfully. "So tomorrow, Jay and I were thinking that we should have some people over! Mama Rae and a few others form the mafia!" Davie announces to Gerardo and me.

Gerardo shares a quick glance at each other that says, 'oh for fuck sake,' before turning back around and pretending to be excited about this.  "Can Reese come?" I ask excitedly I miss my girlfriend. "Actually can I have her over tonight? Please I miss her!" I tell them giving them a pouty lip.

"No, you can see her tomorrow and she can spend the night then okay? And no more hickeys on that poor girl!" Davie lightly scolds me. "They're just hickeys! Besides its fun making them, and she never says no!" I say before getting up from my spot at the table and drinking some orange juice.

"Oh my god ew! Shut the hell up or talk in another language that I don't understand, please! Besides, how do you make a hickey anyways?" She questions me, but as I'm about to tell her Davie leans over to her and covers her ears before escorting her upstairs.

I walk over to the bottom of the stairs and when I don't see them on the stairs, I turn around to see Gerardo sitting at the island in the kitchen. "Okay, we need to think about how are we going to get out of this?" I ask him quickly; he gets an idea after a few minutes of thinking.

"What if I pushed you down some stairs and broke your other leg and we had to go to the hospital instead of being stuck in a party," Gerardo suggests to me. I get out of the coffee and make myself a cup. As I do this I mutter, "I thought you were supposed to be the leader of the Italian mafia? Aren't you supposed to be good at coming up with lies and excuses?"

Of course, Gerardo heard me and said, "we are but I don't have any ideas that don't involve you dying other than that one." He tells me I nod my head. "Alright then, I guess we'll have to suck it up and live through the party. Damnit." Gerardo curses.

"Well, I think it's time for you to go to bed okay?" Gerardo asks me, I shake my head in denial that I have to go to bed. "No sleeping thanks," I tell him as I make my way over to the living room. But he gets in front of me and blocks my path to the living room, giving me that parental look.

I shake my head again and he holds his look, "why don't you want to go to sleep?" He asks me to try and stall until Davie gets down here to drag me to bed.

"I don't like the nightmares and I'm not tired anyway!" I tell him in protest.

"You had a twenty-minute catnap about four hours ago and judging by the black marks under your eyes you haven't slept since you left here. Am I right?" He asks me I glare at him.

"Yeah that's true, but I don't want to sleep!" I say back to him, I'm pleading with him now.

"C'mon over to the couch then," he tells me, so I follow him over to the couch.

He sits down and rests his arm on the armrest. He crosses his leg and the broken one just lays on the couch. "C'mere!" He says to me, so I walk over, and he puts my crutches on the floor before helping me on to the couch. He lays me down and puts my head on his one crossed leg. I roll over so my face is just barely touching his broken leg and I'm staring into the couch.

Gerardo starts to play with my hair, and someone throws a blanket over to us. I start to fall asleep and someone talks quietly in the living room to one another, but I don't really hear them because I'm out like a light.

(1777) sorry it's short

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