Part Twenty-Seven: Chapter 201: The Waiting Game

Start from the beginning

But it's doubtful that anyone but the Joker could run the city. It was pretty obvious that Jason wasn't up to the task. He was only destroying the established order that the Joker had worked so hard to achieve. The Joker had given Jason a lot of responsibility and power. Far more than Jason could handle. More than the little shit deserved.

The Joker had thought Jason could handle things after his demise. He had worked so hard to train the kid. The Joker had seen so much of himself in Jason. Jason had had almost the same kind of childhood as J. They were both street kids, orphaned at about the same age. They both had remarkable survival skills. They both had turned to petty crime to survive. And they both had an anger that could make or break everything. The Joker had thought Jason could be everything he was, but he was so wrong.


Jason sat nervously in a chair staring at the old green tiled wall.

He found it a bit ironic that the asylum would make the walls harder for the crazies to bash their heads against

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He found it a bit ironic that the asylum would make the walls harder for the crazies to bash their heads against. Jason was currently bound by a straight jacket and his ankles were chained to the floor under his chair. This was to be his first therapy session with Dr. Collins. Jason's talked to a psychiatrist before. Bruce had sent him to one right after he adopted him. So Jason had an idea of what to expect.

However, Jason can't be himself, he had to be the Joker. Luckily, Jason had read all of Arkham's files on J when he was working with Bruce. Jason had read those extensive files on J many many times. He had needed to know why Bruce spent so much time focusing on the Joker. Now he knows it was love that kept Bruce so obsessed.

Back then, reading the files, it seemed as if everything the Joker told the shrinks was pure bullshit. But now Jason knows that it actually wasn't. J actually told the truth about a lot of things. He just scrambled the order of the facts and told his past through a series of jokes and daydreams. There truth was right there in the files, it always had been. It's just that no one had deciphered it. Bruce had once told Jason that the Joker didn't lie as much as people thought. The Joker liked the attention and glory of his crimes and gladly admitted to them.

Now Jason could see the truth behind the Joker's therapy notes. He saw the whole truth lying right in front of them. The Joker told them details in a way that the therapists quickly dismissed. He gave them facts that seemed grandiose. Dreams of grandeur fit many of the Joker's false diagnoses. It was pure genius how the Joker twisted the psychiatrists minds to see the truth as a pack of lies. Now it was Jason's turn to carry on the tradition.

When Dr. Collins enters the room Jason pulls a smile to his face, "Good morning doctor."

The doctor just nods as he takes a seat and flips open a folder. "We need an official name to put on your file, can you tell me your real name?"

"Joker," Jason smiles.

"But do you know the name you were born with?" The doctor stares at him with a cliche psychiatric poker stare.

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