Chapter 11~Some Things Must Go

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America was walking around the camp when all of a sudden an alarm went off. Everybody started dashing around the camp and going to claim a weapon of their choice. America went to the nearest weapon shack and grabbed a modern technology filled bow and arrow. It was especially made so that it could turn into a sword, and the arrows were made to blow things up, some were filled with poison, others wilder filled with smoke for a secret get away, and the most important ones were full of other tiny arrows that would shoot out from it. She threw the arrows onto her back and secured the strap, pulling the bow down from the wall and grabbing it. She had a feeling. She felt as if this bow reminded her of another one but she couldn't tell what. She brushed off the thought and ran outside with the other countries. This wasn't unusual to happen. Usually every 6 months they get attacked by countries that randomly show up out of nowhere. They had to make special technology to defeat them because their flags were grey and they all of their old technology and weapons would just fly right through them. America recognized one of the faces of the country that attacked one time. She had a red dot in the middle of her flag with red lines/stripes distributing out to the rest of her flag. America immediately felt fear when she saw her and new that it was her worst enemy from the past. Japanese Empire. America feared her for one and only one reason. When she first "met" Empire (that's what I'm gonna call her :) ), she was then suddenly attacked by her. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach and looked down to see a knife in her stomach. America came back from her flashback and looked down at her stomach. She couldn't see it, but she new that the scar was still there. It had remained to stay with her after the incident, always reminding her of what she had then been dragged into, known as the bloodiest war of all time. America ran outside with the others to see which country had "risen back from the dead" this time. "America!" America turned around and started looking for the person who had called her. She looked until she saw that Malaysia was looking at her. She ran over to him. "Who is it this time?!" She yelled. It was incredibly loud outside due to the loud sounds of guns, bombs, and cannons firing. "Dunno!" Malaysia yelled back running over to the mob of "soldiers" fighting the country who has come back from the dead. America followed him and quickly realized that she didn't know where Greece was. She looked around worried but didn't see her. "Where's Greece?!" "I don't know!" America was worried now and was so focused on looking around for Greece that she didn't even hear Malaysia yell to her to look out. When she turned her head she was blinded by a light and then everything went black.

America woke up. All she heard was ringing and all she could see was fire everywhere and people running with their weapons and still fighting. She looked around and was relieved to  see that her bow and arrows were still with her. She started crawling and was very dizzy. She lifted herself onto her elbows and found it hard. She continued to pick herself up one by one until she was finally standing. All of sudden her hearing came back to her and she could hear screaming, shouting, and bullets flying. She looked around for Malaysia but didn't see him. Then she spotted Greece. She was laying on ground. America ran over to her calling her name. She ran over and sat down next to her. She turned her over and saw that she had been shot in the heart. She was dead. America started crying and could see that a silhouette was hovering over her. She looked up, tears running down her face, and immediately recognized the country who had come back to fight them. America's heart missed a beat and she was immediately filled with more fear than she could comprehend. "Hello America, how nice to see you again." Nazi gave her a toothy grin and grabbed her face with one of his hands, leaving the other still behind his back. "Don't underestimate what I can do little American. We wouldn't want what happened in the past to your mother to happen again." America didn't remember her mother but knew by this statement that she was alive. America remembered what happened to her but she couldn't remember what she looked like or her flag. Nazi dropped her chin, releasing his grip and just looked at her. America took this moment to run back. As she was running she looked to see other people firing at Nazi. He went over to the. To fight back. She realized that she had left Greece there and tried to go back for her when she was pulled by her wrist. "Meri, let her go!" America looked back to see Malaysia pulling her the other way. "She's our friend! Friends stick together!" "She's gone Meri..... you have to let her go." America looked back toward Greece and then agreed to let Malaysia lead her away from the battle to get treated for her wounds. She was so focused on Greece and Nazi that she didn't even realize that her thigh was ripped open in her right leg. She immediately screamed and the pain hit her so hard. Malaysia turned around and grabbed her, helping her up. She could barley stand on her leg now. She realized that she didn't feel it before because it had happened so quickly that it left her leg numb for a couple of minutes. Her leg was bleeding quickly and she needed to be treated. Malaysia ran her to the nurse quarters and she passed out from blood loss as she was out on a bed, with many other nurses around her.

Canada stopped the car outside of a gas station. It had already taken them a day to get only half way to Wanborne. As the gas was pumping he suddenly had a feeling run through him. Him and America had always had some sort of sibling telekinetic powers where they could feel if one another was hurt or sad. He couldn't stop but say America out loud. Everyone in the car looked at him. "What's wrong?" Russia asked. He had decided to tag along in the car with Canada to make sure that China wouldn't pull anything on the others. "She hurts..... a lot." "How do you know?" Russia asked confused. Canada turned to look at him and replied, "We have this weird thing where we can feel if each other is sad or hurt," Russia looked at him and Canada then added, "She hurts a lot right now and I don't know why but...... it's..... painful..." Canada looked worried about his sister which made Russia worried too. Canada then brushed it off and said, "But I'm sure she'll be ok when we get there." Russia nodded and they headed back onto the road, the others in their cars following behind.

They had only been on the road for an hour when the gps lost its signal. Russia tried his phone but it wasn't working. "Oh yeah that will happen out here due to Confederate not wanting any countries to find her," China said. "She only does it on the most common ways to get there." "What do you mean?" Russia asked. "I mean that she sends out a signal to the most common way to get there so that your phones and gps won't be able to find it." Russia and Canada both looked shocked. They have never heard of that before. "What? It's not new technology." China said simply sitting back down in her seat and getting on her phone. "Ok so now how do we get there?" Canada asked. "Well I can tell you because I've been there before. You keep going straight for a few miles and the you'll turn left." "How do we know we can trust you?" Russia asked looking at China seriously. "Look, I know I don't seem trust worthy anymore because of what I did to my own best friend, but I really made mistake and need to fix it." Russia and Canada looked at each and Canada went the way that China said.

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