Chapter 8~Wanborne

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Germany was walking through the woods with the rest of his group. They were searching for America. They looked for any clues but to no avail. Germany sighed and turned back to look at the rest of the group. Suddenly everyone turned around when Ukraine yelled, "Guys! I think you should come look at this!" They all ran over to her and saw that there, in her hands, were America's sunglasses. "At least we're getting closer. So in theory, she went this way." Germany said thinking about all the possible options. She either went this way or dropped them there on purpose to trick them. "Let's go back to the others and show them." Poland suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and they made their way back to Britain's house.

When they got to Britain's they were surprised to see that the other groups of countries were already there. "Did any of you find anything?" Russia asked, a small sound of hope for just one clue in his voice. "Yeah," Germany said. They all looked over towards him. "Show them." He said looking at Ukraine. She stepped forward and held out her hand holding the glasses. "Those are Ame's!" Aussie blurted out. Everyone started a commotion and they were all asking in what part of the woods that they found the glasses. "Calm down!" Russia yelled. The countries soon got quieter and went to a silence. "If you would stop asking them I'm sure that they would answer." He said. He looked over to his sister and asked her where she found them. "I found them in the deeper section of the woods." She said, handing them over to Russia. He looked at them and kept holding them. "We can't go looking for more clues right now though," Japan added in. "It's getting too dark and we won't be able to see what we're doing. Not to mention that we would freeze!" Everyone agreed with her. "Alright then we'll look for more tomorrow," Germany said, "Now let's all go home and get some rest so we can be on our best look out tomorrow." Everyone nodded and went their separate ways.

When Russia and his sisters got home, he went straight upstairs to his room. As he layed down on his bed, he held America's sun glasses in his hand. He looked at them for quite a while. Thinking about her. He then decided to put them on his nightstand beside a picture of his family. He stared at the glasses for a long time and then drifted off to sleep.

America woke up to the sound of birds chirping. But it didn't sound like they were regularly chirping.... her skin felt warm. Odd. It was winter, she was outside, and she felt warm. She took a sniff of the air and realized it smelt like smoke. She turned to see the other half of the tree she was on was on fire! She bolted up, grabbing her bag and jumped off the tree. Her fire from the night before must have caught on the tree.... damn. She made sure she had everything, and bolted off away from the now spreading fire. She went in the direction of Wanborne and made a run for it.

A few hours passed and America could see in the distance a town. She tightened her grip on her bag and started to quick walk over to the town. As she came closer realized that the town had a huge dome around it. Odd. She stepped in front of the dome and a voice went off. "Identifying country..... *ding* Country identified. United States of America." America didn't know what to think. This town knew her already. As soon as the voice said her name as bunch of countries ran outside of their houses, some looking at her in shock and others asking if it was really her. She looked at them and then the dome opened for her to come in. She asked if she could come in and the others lead her in, the dome closing back behind her. They countries looked at her. She looked back. She was confused. Then a voice all too familiar came booming in. "America! How nice to see you again old friend!" She knew that voice all too well. The country came out from the crowd, and America knew exactly who it was. Confederate. "W-what are you doing here?" America asked. She was, honestly, a little scared. "No. The question is, what are you doing here?" The confederate looked serious. America looked pass confederate and saw a few other countries looking at her. "China wanted me to run away..." she said embarrassed. The confederate just laughed her head off. Some other countries just chuckled. "Well then," the confederate said, stopping the commotion, "Let's start a new way, shall we?" America was baffled. She never would've thought in a million years that confederate would ask for them to start over and become, friends. Confederate held out her hand for America to take. America hesitated but agreed to shake. After all, things would only get better with her being friends with her enemy, right? She shook Confederate's hand. The confederate smiled, but not her usual evil smile, this time it was an actual, passionate one. The kind of smile that friends give each other.

Ok sooooooo..... yeah?

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