Chapter 6~Two Days In

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Canada laced the room, while the other countries were watching. All he could think about was his sister. He kept pacing, something he does on and on when he's nervous or worried about someone. "Dude calm down," Mexico said to Canada, looking stern as he said it, "I'm sure she's fine. I mean, what could happen to her? She knows how to hunt and use a bow and arrow so if she's out alone in the wild, she'll be fine." It didn't seem like he was worried about her at all. Mexico doesn't like to share his expressions and feelings with others but, during this, he actually was worried about his ex. He didn't show it though. At all. Canada stopped and looked at him. "Are you serious?!" He said angry that his own sister's ex boyfriend wasn't even worried about her. "She is out there alone and she could run into the wrong people-" "That's enough Canada," Britain said, butting into the debate, "She'll be fine. She'll come back soon and she won't run into the wrong people." Britain looked at his son with a stern look. They both new exactly what they meant by wrong people. Nobody knows, but Britain and Canada has an encounter with some.... odd, people in their lives. 

Russia watched as everybody was talking about where America was. He took his phone out of his pocket and typed in the name America, in the the search bar of his messages. In a second, her contact popped up. Her name had a kissy emoji beside it and a heart. Her profile picture was of her making a snowman. Russia smiled as he remembered how he secretly took that of her. She usually didn't like to have a picture taken of just her, but Russia couldn't tell why. She always looked pretty in ones by herself. He respected her feelings though. Sometimes. He tapped on the message and texted her, asking where she was and for her to please answer him because he was worried. When he didn't get a reply for a few minutes, he sighed and put his phone back in his pocket, coming back to the conversation of the others. This might be awhile.

America woke up. She was freezing. She sat up and put her bag back on her back, making sure to take her phone out before doing so so that she could check how long she had left 'till Wanborne. She still had 13 hours until she would get there. She grabbed her "weapon" and shoved it into her bag. She decided to put her phone in the pocket of her jacket (since she already had so much in her bag) and walked off into the direction of Wanborne.

As America was walking, she noticed that she had 2 hours down and only 11 hours left. Great she thought. She kept walking on and on.

As the afternoon came rolling in, her stomach tuned and churned, yearning for food. She decided to stop and go look for something to eat. She set down her bag and grabbed her so called weapon from it. She then hauled her bag back into her back and went on a hunt for her lunch. She walked slowly and carefully, making sure not to make a sound so she could catch something. As she was walking she saw a nest with some eggs in it. She was going to feel so bad about this. She put her weapon in her bag and started climbing up the tree. Branch by branch. As she stepped on one branch, it snapped and broke, luckily she had the majority of her weight on another, stronger, branch. As she reached a good level to the best of eggs, she reached out her hand and grabbed the 5 eggs laying there perfectly. I'm so sorry little guys, she thought as she broke into the eggs and poured them into her mouth. It was bitter but enough protein to keep her going for a few more hours.

After America finished "eating" all of the eggs, she slid down the tree and started going off back on her way. She pulled her water bottle out of her bag and took a few sips, getting rid of the bitter taste of the eggs. She saved the rest for when she would be really thirsty, and put it back in her bag. As she was walking Siri suddenly said, "In the next two miles turn right." She knew it might take her awhile to get there and that when she did, that would have to be her new resting place for the night.

Aussie was getting tired of listening to all of the older countries talk about what they were going to do and get together a "searching group". She didn't know why they didn't just say what it actually was, a search party. She walked out of the house and went for a walk down the sidewalk. It was weird that one of America's good friends China wasn't there. As she turned the corner she could see two countries secretly talking in an alley way. She hid and listened in. "You're sure she won't come back?" One of them said. Aussie new that the voices sounded familiar but she couldn't tell which countries they belonged to. "I'm sure. She's gone for good. And the town she's going to has some of my old friends there, and of course, yours." The other said. Aussie immediately recognized the voice. China! Who was she talking to? And what other country were they talking about? She kept listening. "Yeah, she'll have a good time." One of the countries said, sarcastically. North? North Korea? So North Korea and China were talking about their old friends that live somewhere else? Who were they talking about? Aussie couldn't quite put her finger on it. She gave up on figuring it out and left before the two figured out she was eavesdropping.

Were you expecting that? They r working together?!?!?  OwO maybe more into detail later? Heehehehehehehe
Also can we talk about the double chapter publish right now?

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