Chapter 7~Search Party

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Aussie walked back inside the house, not mentioning to anybody that she heard China and North Korea talking to each other. She walked a few steps and saw that everybody was looking at her. "What?" She asked, confused as to why they were all looking at her, "Where were you when we were talking about us separating each other into different groups to look for Ame?" Canada asked, interested to see why she left. "I got bored listening to you guys and wanted to go on a short walk to get some fresh air." She said, neglecting to tell them about China and North. "Well don't do that again," Kiwi said, "We were worried that something happened to you. Ame being missing has made us all a little bit more..... cautious." Aussie just nodded and everyone continued to talk about the different groups. They decided that Aussie would go with South Korea and Japan while Canada, Mexico, and Russia would go together. Britain, France and Kiwi would go together and the last group with Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Philippines. Why was the last group so big? Because the last group would be looking deeper in the woods, so they needed more people, just to be safe. "Ok," Russia said, everyone silencing to listen to what he had to say, "Let's go and look now. The sooner we go, the more time we have to look around before night fall." Everyone nodded there heads and started filling out the door and going off to their designated search areas.

America was getting tired. Her feet were killing her. Her phone still said she had 30 minutes until she had to turn so she just kept trekking on.

(30 minutes later)

As her phone said turn right, she plopped down and observed her surroundings. There wasn't any water source so she would have to ration her water she had left. There was, however, a tree that she decided to sleep in for the night. She grabbed some loose branches and pulled them all together. She picked up two other ones and rubbed them together until they started a spark for a fire. She sat by the fire for awhile to warm herself up before she took a few sips of her water bottle. She took out her phone and saw that she had only 20% left on it. Damn, she thought. She looked to see how much farther she had to go and saw that she had 1 hour and 30 minutes in one direction straight until she reached her destination. She decided that she wouldn't need her phone anymore and put it up in her bag. Too bad she didn't have a way to charge her AirPods right now. She had been using them most of the time while she was walking, to take her mind off of her aching feet. She sighed and put her water bottle back into her bag. She held one of the straps of her bag and began to climb up the tree she found a branch that felt nice and sturdy and put her bag behind her head. She then drifted off thinking about what the other countries in Wanborne were like.

North Korea sat in his chair at his desk. He was looking through some old history books, about Soviet, Third, and Japanese Empire. He remembered some things. He remembered when Soviet died and how sad Russia and his sisters were. He remembered other things too. About Third and Japanese Empire. "Oh poor America," he said aloud to himself, "You will be so surprised when you get to Wanborne. You might even run into an old....... "friend"." He smirked at the thought and got up to go to his bed. Oh what her face would look like when she saw Conf- his thoughts trailed off as he fell asleep.

Oh? Cliffhanger? Yas
Suffer from my hints >:)

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