Chapter 4~Missing

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America woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. She quickly turned it off so that it wouldn't wake anybody else in the house up, and so that she could leave un-noticed. She quietly slipped on a pair of Vans, black athletic pants, a long sleeve shirt that said KAT on it, and her favorite magenta jacket to keep her warm since it was winter. She then grabbed her bag and began to fill it with clothes for all seasons. She wasn't quite sure how she was going to be able to keep them clean, but at that mattered was that she could survive. Be packed a bottle of water so that she could fill it up at rivers and lakes, etc. and, her phone and AirPods. She thought she had everything until she looked at her nightstand. There, sitting on the nightstand, was a framed picture of her and her friends and family. She smiled looking at the photo and took it out of the frame. She put it in he bag and zipped it up. She wasn't quite sure how she would get food, but she planned to make a weapon or something to hunt. As for the whole phone and AirPods? She planned on bringing a charger to share for both of those and find a town to crash in or something. She wasn't planning on living in the wild. Only until she was able to find a town far away from her own. She decided to go ahead and look for one far away on her phone. She searched up the farthest place from here (without making it too hard on her) and decided she would try to make the trip to a little town called "Wanborne". It would take her a few days to get there, but she knew she had to do this to keep her friends and family safe from China. She picked up her bag, slung it onto her back, and went downstairs quietly to get a banana before she left.

After America had finished her banana and left the house, she saw China already waiting for her outside. "Well look who finally got up," she said in that voice of hers, "Where are you heading? I need to know so I can always keep tabs. Just to make sure you don't break the deal. But I'm sure you wouldn't do that, you wouldn't want anything to happen to your precious brother..." she said smiling at this. America took a deep breath and said, "Wanborne." "How far is that?" China asked, wanting to make sure that America would be far away. "About 100 miles? Should take me a few days to get there." "Good. You'll be a perfect distance away." America nodded as China said this and started walking off towards the North, looking at her phone as she did for directions. "And remember," China said looking at America, her smile suddenly fading, "Don't ever come back or it will be your brother her gets it first..." America nodded. She wasn't going to come back if it meant keeping her brothers and sister safe. As she she walked off in the distance, she looked back at her house, taking in everything. From the old gutters, to the new paint. She wanted to remember every detail. She never wanted to forget it. Ever. As she took it in, she turned back around and began walking again, listening as Sir said in 100 feet, tune right. This was it. She was finally leaving. Forever.

Canada woke up, the sun shining into his room from the window. That's weird, he thought, usually America comes to wake me up before sunrise... He decided to shake it off and went to go get ready for the day. He slipped on a pair of adidas, a pair of jeans, and a jacket that was white over his red shirt that said: Not lookin' to Syrup Trouble. He made his way out his door and was surprised when he say that America's door was still closed. Odd. She's usually the first one to get up and already be downstairs waiting on us. Maybe she's just tired, he thought and went downstairs. "Good morning Can!" His mother called to him. He could smell the sweet aroma of pancakes cooking. "Morning," he said, "Have you seen America?" He asked. "Isn't she still asleep?" France said. "I mean, her door was closed but it's weird that she isn't awake..." "Don't worry about it!" His mother said, "I'm sure she was just really tired from yesterday and needs more sleep." "Yeah..." Canada said, wondering if he should go and check on her.

(Time skip uwu)

As France was passing around the plates with pancakes on them Aussie asked, "Where's America?" "She's still sleeping." France said smiling at her youngest daughter. "I'll go check on her," Canada said, "This isn't normal for her to not be up by now." And just as he said that, he stood up from the table and walked over to the stairs. As he was walking up the stairs he finally reached America's door and knocked. No answer. He opened the door and was hit with absolute shock. She wasn't there! Where is she?! He wondered, now worried about his sister. He finally yelled downstairs, "She- she's gone!" He heard everybody get up at that and rush up the stairs to see. Everybody was so surprised. America wouldn't just run off. "Maybe she went to see Russia early this morning." Aussie said. "Maybe," Kiwi said, "Lets ask him." They both looked at Canada and he finally agreed, after debating over it for awhile, to ask Russia.
Can: hey

Rus: hey

Can: is Ame at your place?

Rus: nah

Rus: why?

Can: because she's missing and we're trying to figure out where she is...

Rus: SHE'S MISSING?!?!?!

Can: yah

Rus: are you guys gonna call the police or something?

Can: just did

Can: we also checked with Japan and South and she's not here either

Rus: did you check with anybody else?

Can: yeah


Rus: sh*t

Rus: I cant believe this

Rus: why would she run away?

Can: dunno

Can: it's not like her

Can: something must've happened

Rus: ok I'm coming over to your place

Rus: we can talk more about it there

Can: k

Russia put down his phone and let out a big sigh wondering, where are you Ame? Why did you run away? What happened? Is that why you lied to me? Never mind. I'll find you Ame. No matter how long it takes.

Wowowowowow so sad right? What's Wanborne? Is it safe? Find out in the next chapter ;)

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