"No! It was.. Arrgh! Let me rest for a while and I'll tell you everything later." I closed the door behind me.

I heard Sam banging on my door, "Open it this instant. I want to know everything. NOW!"

"Later Sam."

I won't stop banging the door until you come out." She continued banging.

"Well, good luck then!"

I changed into some more comfortable and dived on my bed. But Sam still hadn't stopped banging. If anything, the noise was getting louder and louder. I groaned and opened the door.

"He is hot as fuck, but I didn't know you'd sleep with him. I mean you barely know him and then there's Sebastian.." She smirked.

"I didn't sleep with him-"

She interrupted, "Shush! Go sit back, I'll grab the doritos and then you can continue."

"Yes, your majesty!" I exhaled.

I spent the next hour reciting everything, from Sweden to last night, but she consistently interrupted me with her stupid-annoying-redundant comments.

"I don't know how you're going to be working around him. I mean that guy seems so.. There's clearly some sexual tension between you guys."

"Thanks! That's what I wanted to hear." I pressed my lips into a line.

"It is what it is!" Sam shrugged off and let me sleep in peace. -ish!


The following Saturday was rather free. Even Sam was lingering about the place not knowing what to do with the free time at hand. I told her that we could go for a trek but she had already single-handedly decided to call this Saturday night a club night, and hence, 'the invitations to our fellow freaks were sent out'.

"Hey, did you watch the race last weekend? Spain was it?" A curious Sam asked.

"I forgot to 'eat' and you're asking me if I had the time to watch the race!" I answered.

"Geez! Why so worked up? I just wanted to watch it too."

"Whaaat? Sam wants to watch 'stupid noisy cars running around'?" I raised an eyebrow as Sam threw a cushion at me.

"What have you done you my Sam? Where is she?" I dramatically asked her, shaking her shoulders.

"Oh stop it you!" She waved me off.

"No, seriously, what's gotten into you? Why do you want to watch the race all of a sudden?"

"I just wanted to see what's so great about these races. And also, your boy." I raised my eyebrow again.



"Just shut up and start it damn thing!"

"I didn't even say anything!"

It took time for Sam to adjust to the race-the rules, the sounds.. basically everything. But the expression on her face said that she maybe liked it a bit. But every time I would get excited or comment on the race, she'd just roll her eyes and smack my hand in reprimand.

Well, after a rough qualifying and the gearbox penalty, the race started off on a little sad note, however, the overtaking done by Seb were exceptional. Yeah, the strategy helped a lot too! So, starting from 15th, after a gearbox-change grid penalty, Seb came home to a 4th, behind his teammate Daniel, who scored his first ever podium after being stripped of the second place in the Australia season-opener. All-in-all, it was a pretty entertaining race.

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