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I stood in my husband's arms for eternity. None of us wanted to let go of each other, finally united and relieved of our pain. His scent and warmth of his hands calmed my heart slowly. I could not describe how happy I felt, how I missed our moments together - bad or good, it didn't matter. This is what I wanted all along, for our family to be together.

"I thought you are gone forever..." His words were muffled in the crooks of my dress covering the shoulder.

His lips lingered near my ear, while his hands drew me closer to his heaving chest. Unnoticeably they trailed over the side of my cheek. Edmund looked me in the eyes, his pearly white gaze clouded with tears and hurtful expression, sadness I had never seen on his face. My husband inhaled deeply and his warm lips hungrily stole a kiss from my own. It felt like my world turned upside down, like I have been thrown on a carousel, all the while the butterflies could not calm down, disturbed of the piece and slumber they have been calmly savouring.

Edmund's hand glided over the side of my body, he pressed me closer and then ubrubtly stopped. His eyes slowly examined my body while backing off a single step to have a better look. My hand was grasped in tight hold in his palm as if afraid to lose me once again.

The longer he stared, the more it dawned up on me what's the problem. I forgot to announce the most important thing that has happened to me.

A baby.

"Wha... what is... this?" He seemed lost of words.

My belly had grown noticeably. I had not seen a doctor, but I figured I might be four months into my pregnancy. It protruded out of my usually slim figure all the while being as unnoticeable as the gain of weight. I could no longer wear a corset and for today's standards might even look unflattering.

I let my hand slide over it. I was nervous, afraid of what he might think. Will he accept the facts as they are?

"Edmund... I... I am pregnant with your child." I said nervously.

He blinked a few times, his lips tried to form some words, but no understandable sounds came out. Meanwhile my heart was beating hard, I waited, waited for his approval to come.

"Oh..hh!" I let out a sudden, subtle scream and my eyes met Edmund's once again. I felt something move inside of me, my baby. Had he grown so big? Startled and afraid I looked in my husband's eyes all the while waiting for something to happen again, for another movement or... anything.


Like being stabbed with a needle he came back to reality, gained back his movements and in seconds were back in my space with concerning look in his eyes.

"What is happening?"

"It... was moving..." I felt startled as well. "Aren't you happy, Edmund?" I did not expect this reaction from him.

"I... I don't know what to think..." He smiled nervously. "It has come so suddenly..."

"Is that so?" My words faded.

"Thea! Thea..." Edmund cupped my face in both hands. "Don't get me wrong. I am happy. I am beyond blessed you have gifted me a child. Isn't that what a married couple would wish for?"

"Edmund..." I teared up.

"Stop crying, Thea. ...stop..."

He gently pressed my head against his chest. I felt his heart beat... my own... I wished this moment to last forever as he calmly stroked my head.

"Where were you? Why were you gone?"

"I... I went to see you, meet you at the summer house..." I had problems to form the words, remembering the encounter with Maria was not easy. "On the way someone managed to steal my carriage and this person took me in unknown direction, to... to kill me."

His fingers pinched my upper arm, dug painfully deep in my skin. I felt the anger rise in him. Then Edmund moved me away just enough to be able to look in my eyes. He stared deeply and serious.

"Who was it? I need to know, Thea!"

"Maria. It was Maria who tried to get rid of me."

Frustrated he let go of my body. I thought this is it. This was too much to take as his anger had overtaken his mind and rational thinking.

"I knew it!" He hissed. "I will kill her with my own hands. She will regret to ever be born and also for ever meeting me!"

"Edmund! Calm down." I watched his form while he breathed hard and tried to get hold of himself. "Where is she?"

"In the prison, at this moment." My husband took a time to listen in me.

"I want to see her." I looked at him seriously with determination in my eyes.

There came a long silence from his part. It seemed he is trying to convey himself of letting me go and see this woman who holds no good intentions. I waited for his reply, but no matter what answer he gives I will deal with Maria myself. After all she deserves the special attention.

"Come with me then."

Edmund's eyes turned dark again, his brows creased. He became the same being I saw on a throne, cold and unforgiving.

My heart shook and I was eager to know more. What has happen while I was gone? What trouble have I caused with my disappearance?

For one thing I was afraid. No matter what Maria did to me, I could not repay her with the same. I despise her, I am hurt for what she did to me, but I could never end a life of another human being.

I fear for Edmund, because he might hold on to his promise. He might be gone too far to escape his rage.

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now