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The castle felt oddly quiet. I saw no one in the hallways, just guards standing like statues by the main door. My heart was beating in anticipation to see my wife safe. I walked straight to our bedroom. When I opened the door she was not there. The room was tidy, the bed neatly styled. It appeared that no one has used it for some time.

I could feel my insides turn upside down just thinking for Thea, as she might be in trouble, but after some deep breaths, I tried to tell myself that she could be anywhere else in the castle.

"Oh, Lord! What brings you back?" Violets voice brushed passed me gently.

"Where is my wife?"

Her eyebrows creased in confusion.

"She left more than a day ago. Haven't you met her?"

"No. She did not come."

I left her to her tasks. My mind was racing trying to figure out what might have happened to her. Where is she gone? It pained me to think that another person is involved in her disappearance.

Unnoticeably I have found my way back to the main hallway. Pacing back and forth I tried to calm my heart and think of my next move. I couldn't simply go out and find her. I knew nothing of her whereabouts nor people in my castle had any idea. The last time I found her was a lucky chance, but now?

The frustration sets in and I feel like pulling my hair out.

The front door opens and for a second my heart springs back to life seeing a glimpse of a silky laced fabric on a light-skinned hand. But as soon as this person enters the room I am faced with deep disappointment, it is not Thea. Just William Blanchard with a sheepish grin on his face.

He is humming some unknown melody as he walks up to me like some kind of clown. I collect my posture and calmness. He is the last one to know about my problems.

"What are you doing here, Blanchard?"

I feel my insides start to boil watching his exaggerated manners.

He flares the white handkerchief in front of my face. "Don't be silly, lordship. I am on my way to see your ma'am. As usual..."

"I don't like that you are flaring around my women so much." I gave a stern look.

"Ha...! Are you jealous they love me more than you?"

I was getting angry and the need to wrap my hands around this slimy man's neck was unbearably strong. I have always hated his presence and the thought of my mother spending so much time with him disgusted me.

"Filthy rat!" I spat the insult through my teeth. "One day you will end up in the sewers where you belong. I will make sure of it." My eyes followed each step he took as he proceeded on his way to see my mother.

"You are so childish sometimes, Edmund." He giggled. The silky handkerchief hiding his sick smile.

"It is 'King' to you!" I growled.

He purposely dismissed my command.

My mind went back to find some solutions to find Thea. Who would want to hurt her? I know many, but I think most of them would not dare to stand against me. I have seen some of the most problematic men stutter in my presence. Cowards they are.

There is also Maria, but she has not made an appearance in a long time, as if she has forgotten the past and moved on, though it's hard to believe.

Her father? I think not. He is annoying, manipulative, but he would not have the courage to go so far.

There is also my mother who I know is not fond of Thea. She has always been quiet and has not voiced her dislike, but the hate is evident in her eyes.

What if none of them is involved in her disappearance?

In swift steps, I walk to the living room, where my mother and that slimy rat should be. My heart aches and with each passing minute, I feel myself losing my sanity.

She sits by a round coffee table, sips the tea and most likely gossips about the latest news and problems in town. Blanchard like a puppy dog wiggles his tail and can hardly sit still in his seat.

They look shocked as I walk up to them so fast and full of controlled anger.

"Where is Thea?" My voice is loud and clear.

My mother flashes a confused look, but soon after averts her gaze back to the porcelain teacup as if the question was not addressed to her.

"What happened? Is she gone? Shouldn't you need to be keeping an eye on her?" She sipped a mouthful and looked up to me, her eyes cold and unloving.

I watched her reaction carefully. Blanchard seemed unfazed as well.

"Don't make yourself look so innocent, mother. I know you dislike her, I know you have never wanted us together, nor wished the happiness to your own son. If you don't tell where she is, I will see to take actions, which will not be in your favor."

"Have you lost your mind, Edmund? I don't care what happens to her and also I have no time to waste on your slave. I know nothing, leave me be." She seemed annoyed.

I flashed a glance at Blanchard, who was as surprised as my mother.

I quickly went away to get my men and returned as fast.

"Guards! Take them to the cells! Both of them!"

I noticed them being hesitant and it angered me even more.

"I am the king! Do as I say!"

I was happy to see the smile from the face of William disappear. He held a shocking expression as if not believing his own eyes and ears of the sudden outcome to his annoying tea party.

"Edmund! What is the meaning of this? Have you no shame? I am your mother."

"Really! Have you been? I might be your son by blood, but also I am the king. And if you are threatening my family and power, I will see you face the consequences."

I didn't feel anything for her. No petty or shame. I could only think of getting the needed information and finding Thea sooner.

"Take them away!" I ordered the last time.

I saw their forms protest against the powerful holds of my guards. Blanchard seemed to have lost his cheerfulness and my mother occasionally spat some 'loving' words my way.

I will put every person in prison if it is what it takes to get my wife safe and back to my side.

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now