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The first morning when I didn't feel well. Faint nausea deprived me of enjoying food that maids have made. Though my stomach rumbled in silence, I left the dining room rather early, before anyone had shown up.

Deep down my heart was beating in anticipation of the upcoming meeting with a very important person. For the last few days my mind was coming up with all kinds of reasons to avoid it, but the logic sense told me to handle the situation otherwise.

I sent a letter to invite this noble lady. First of all, I was doubting if she will accept it. The pain I had caused and misunderstanding had made a deep gap in our relationship and I didn't want my mistakes to affect this family's future.

As I was waiting in the hall for a response to arrive, my hand traces over the scar on the back of my neck. It upset me how obvious it was and I had the feeling that Cristina will not be the only one questioning its origin. Everything about my past most likely is a very attractive topic to the noble people of this country and lands around. The gossip will be inevitable wherever I show up. How will I handle myself? Just like Edmund said, I have to forget about it otherwise I can't imagine freaking out every time someone points our my scars, which are too many to actually forget about and also people who inflicted them.

"Your majesty, I have news about lady Murray." An errand boy announced unnoticeably bursting through the door.

"What is it? What did she say?"

"She didn't want to come at first, but somehow I managed to change her mind. In fact, she came back to me."

"What? I didn't expect her so early." I said to myself.

"Should I let lady Murray inside?" He asked unsurely.

I thought for second whether I should greet her here or chose a different location for confrontation. I wanted our conversation to be private, so no other eyes or ears know what has happened at all. Most importantly what I know, nothing is said to Edmund yet, for which I am more than surprised. I thought Victoria will run up to him and spill all the nasty things I said with no hesitation. What kept her silent?

"Please tell her to see me, where we last time spoke - in the garden."

"As you wish my queen."

I slowly walked in direction of a garden, where just days ago we were playing games and enjoying time outside. Totally unprepared for her early arrival my mind felt anxious. What will I say? I know the reason I called her over, but there was no time for me to prepare. What if things don't work out as I planned? Victoria is a different kind of girl and an approach which would definitely work in me is not a guarantee it will sway Victoria's mind in the direction I want.

The faint smell of roses calms my heart and the solitude behind the tall hedges keeps me isolated from the world and problems outside.

The barely audible steps draw me out of my daydreams. Light and accompanied by the sound of hard soles hitting the stone path. With no doubt, it's Victoria Murray.

She has put up the coldest face, but her slim arms are pressed tightly against her thighs. Victoria looked around for a second as expecting someone else to be here.

"Where is Edmund? I thought he will be here."

"I lied to you. It's only me and you. I was doubting you would show up if the matter would include only me."

If it wouldn't be a bright summer day, a chill of our coldness could be felt all around. Seemed none of us wanted to drop the protective curtain that masked our true intentions - at least mine. I was hoping to see the softer side of Victoria which was revealed just for a tiny moment before she left, but could it be, there was no such thing?

"What it is you want? I don't have time and will to listen to your complaints." She said rather harsh.

I softened my expression. The action was not something hard for me to do, as all my life consisted of being beneath the shoes of others, but in some way this situation was different, genuinely I felt the need to bow down and ask for her forgiveness with all my heart.

"Please forgive my rude approach and hasty assumptions about you and my husband. I believe what you said and it is very important for me to see my husband happy. Denying him from true friends would be very inconsiderate of me. Please accept my apology and forget our misunderstandings. I wish to have no quarrel with you, Victoria."

I bowed down and anxiously awaited her answer. Seemed like silence is dragging forever and with every passing minute, my heart was beating faster.

"You shouldn't fall so low to bow in front of me, considering your position. It should be me, who should apologize." She still managed to hold onto her cold voice. "It's my fault, our fault that we acted so freely in front of you. If I am aware, Edmund hasn't told you much about my existence and understandably for a young and naive woman like you, it would raise suspicion of what is going on. We forgot that you are now his life. I think it would make any girl jealous of seeing such a handsome man with a bunch of ladies. But fear not, I guarantee Edmund is not that kind of man, so you should stop worry."

I couldn't swallow the bitter feeling that had formed in my throat like a hard rock. My eyes were still glued to the stone path beneath me and I was ashamed to lift my head and face her eye to eye.

"Please, forgive me!" I managed to squeeze my words in a whisper loud enough for her to hear.

"Stand up, Thea! It is no way to act!"

Victoria came closer and as if I was a little child, she lifted my heavy body, which was weighed down by my emotions. I could feel her support, firm posture as if nothing in this world could shake her off balance. Despite her seemingly cold heart, she embraced me in a hug.

"Stop whining, Thea! As Edmund said, I am here to help you."

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now