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Victoria came soon after and all eyes were set on her. She wore more plainly sewed dress, than any of us, but emitted the aura of the prettiest princess in the kingdom. It took so little for her to be noticed and admired by everyone. 

She flashed an arrogant smile, glancing over us all until her eyes met my husband.

"I am glad you are here Edmund. It would be so boring just with us - girls today."

Victoria giggled childishly, met by my husband's subtle smile. He took her hand and welcomed his friend's arrival. If I wouldn't know my place in his life, she would look like Edmund's chosen one. The thought irritated me, but I decided that Victoria will not ruin my mood so easily if it was her plan.

Her green eyes reached mine. Deep dislike burned inside of me seeing her seemingly innocent smile.

I don't know why these thoughts cloud my mind. Is it because of Maria? The first young noble lady met in my life who betrayed my innocent and naive heart? Emotions she created will never leave my mind and deeply rooted doubts for every person. Good or bad, I don't seem to find it easy to trust such people as Victoria.

"I am so happy, that we could meet again, my highness. I really admire your simple, but strikingly memorable nature." Scarlet chirped like a young admirer meeting a famous person.

I blushed. Her kind compliment intrigued me. What did she mean by simple and memorable nature?

"Thank you, Scarlet. May I ask, what you find so striking in me?" I felt unsure if I want to hear an answer.

"I mean, you look tough and unshakable, in control of your emotions, but at the moment you speak, everyone seems to relax. Your voice reminds that you are the same kind of person as everyone else, like the same people under your power. We relate more to you, rather than seeing our queen as some untouchable deity from heavens."

"I don't know which is better. I surely should act more like a queen I am."

"I think you should stick to your own self, majesty." Margaret's quiet voice brushed through the light breezes of wind.

"Then it shall be. From now on, you all can call me Thea. No more 'Majesties' or 'highnesses'." I felt my heart relaxed more.

Edmund sat in his chair further away from us with Victoria by his side. His pearly eyes watched me intently, while Victoria whispered something in his ear. I could see a smile on her half hidden face behind her palm.

What was she saying and what Edmund was thinking? I feared that I might have overstepped the boundaries letting my new friends address me so casually.

Then Cristina's voice flew by my ears quietly.

"Is it normal to you that Victoria is so close to your husband?"

"Yes. She is just a close friend. Nothing to worry about." I said confidently not leaving my eyes of the 'couple' before me.

My heart throbbed thinking it might not be the truth. These young ladies didn't need to know the doubts and hardships of my heart.

Cristina pushed out an awkward laugh.

"Oh! I was worrying about nothing. It would be a shame if the situation turned another way around."

I noticed her watching over the forms of my husband and Victoria judgingly.

"Who wants to play a game? Something like hide and seek?" Cristina suddenly changed the subject.

Scarlet clapped her hands exited and Margaret was getting uneasy in her seat.

"I am not good with this game."

"It will be fun. And look at the space around us!"

The suggestion seemed intriguing and exciting, but never in my life, I have played a game.

"I know who is the worst!" Edmund's voice boomed over us announcing the statement out of nowhere. "Isn't it you?"

His eyes were pointing at me and the girls watched me questionably too.

"I am not. I will prove it to you!" I was slightly irritated by another mocking of him.

"There is a little twist. We will blindfold you." Scarlet announced.

"What? I don't remember such rules."

"New rules for more fun!" Her giggling voice accompanied my raging thoughts of Edmund's mischievousness. He thought he can make fun of me in front of everyone once again...

I let Scarlet blindfold me, never leaving my eyes from Edmund till the very end. Girls turned me around numerous times. I didn't pay attention to the slowly swirling world around me, only one thought burned in my mind - to find Edmund.

As my head stopped spinning and I regained my senses, I was left in complete silence. In a distance, I could hear faint giggling of Scarlett's light voice, but I couldn't point out was she near or further away.

The space around me seemed endless. Wherever I reached my grasp was met with empty air. My frustration grew bigger. How will I find Edmund? He could be anywhere.

Seemingly out of nowhere I bumped into someone. The scent and firm figure suggested it is my husband. It felt like he was standing beside me all this time, avoiding me and making me think I have won fairly.

My fists grabbed on his shirt seemingly gentle, but emotions boiled inside of me, making my hold tighter and stronger. I hated what had happened between us and I didn't know what to do, how to fix the friction, how to clear my doubts. I could ask, but there was always that feeling they might not tell the truth.

"You didn't even hide." My voice was filled with disappointment.

"Thea, I don't play games anymore. I have grown too old and... disinterested I guess."

Edmund's voice was calm and quiet. It made my emotions subside and feel like problems don't exist, even if it meant just for a little while.

"Next time you should try harder. It wasn't even a challenge, as you have been standing in plain sight."

My round was over, but I didn't want to take the blindfold off just yet. I took a moment to savor this peaceful moment before it is over and the doubts return.

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now