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Edmund was laying beside me unaware of the fact that I was awake. I couldn't take my eyes away from his handsome face. He has grown up to be a very good looking man, very similar to his father, but with more power in his appearance. My fast beating heart couldn't calm down, I squirmed wrapped in blankets. The swarm of butterflies kept turning my stomach, which made me crack a smile. I hid my lips from the view of ... nobody.

I felt so much more assure right now, when I knew that Edmund doesn't see my reaction of being beside him. As  a small girl I am looking up to a prince, godly and handsome.

I don't see his unique eye color with his eyes closed. Edmund's smooth skin basks in dim sun rays that are coming through the heavy curtains. Black, silky hair are spread over the white pillow. His brows are creased and he doesn't look relaxed completely – like being in deep thoughts in his dreams.

Deep down I worry about him. So much work and duties. Edmund takes all his problems on himself. I know, I am not the best support in royal matters, but I wish he would share his troubles more with me.

I see him stirring up. I don't want him wake up just yet.

With careful and smooth moves I slid out of our bed, put a warm, cozy cloak on my shoulders and walked over the cold corridor floors. I wandered around for some time in solitude, deep in thoughts, trying to come up with some interesting plan for this upcoming day. I gazed up on the heavenly high ceiling in entrance hall. The color theme was so warm, it made me lose the cold feeling on bottom of my feet. Golden tones, amber decorations, paintings of small baby angels decorated the ceiling. My eyes were glued on every tiny detail in the painting.

Out of nowhere I accidentally bumped into someone, while I dazed and slowly span around the wide space. I caught a glimpse of a tall dark figure.

"Ohh, sorry Edmund.... ."

I lifted my eyes and didn't see my husband standing in front of me. It was his father – Charles Wiltshire. From the sudden surprise I nearly fell a step backwards.

"I... I am sorry, Mr Wiltshire. I.... didn't see you standing there..."

Just for a second I met his eyes. His stare hard and powerful. It immediately made my eyes turn on the floor beneath my feet. I stood shy and timid in front of him. This is the first time I have seen him in in the castle and as a wife of Edmund – his son.

"No worries, my queen." He said without hesitation and with confidence.

I glimpsed him make a small bow and then he walked away in even strides. I did not look at his form, my eyes were still glued on my naked feet. I was afraid of him.

I think in his eyes I am just a mere slave, nothing.....

But... he said... my queen. Did he mean it? It sounds so odd, that he chose to address me this way... Or maybe I imagined?

I remember he never cared about my existence, never acknowledged my presence. I was always nobody in his eyes.

Why would Edmund's father change his mind?

"Hurry up!" I hear a recognizable voice in a distance.

As if wind swept, the thoughts of Mr Wiltshire disappears from my mind and my curious nature draws me closer to the sound of squabble.

Anna is jumping around excited and Sophia is calmly trying to dress her up for, what seems to be an outgoing. 

"Where are we heading?" I spooked them on purpose, as I appeared from nowhere.

"Oh, my lady!" Anna was still squirming in delight. "We are going to town for shopping!"

"Just calm for a minute, Anna." Sophia sighed and tried to button up her plain looking coat. "We are not buying anything for ourselves, but for masters of the house." She explained to little girl.

I smiled. I felt so happy seeing this lonely girl happy.

"Can I join you both?"

Sophia stopped, straightened herself and looked at me with her unemotional eyes, though I could see her being little bit surprised.

"Of course. As you wish my queen." She bowed slightly. 

Meanwhile Anna had calmed down, but her eyes were still full with excitement and energy.

"Please, give me a minute and I will be ready."

I run back to my room to get some presentable clothes. When I opened the door, I bumped in my husband's chest. He immediately caught me and hold me by my arms firmly. Out of breath I apologized.

"I am sorry, Edmund."

He smiled and let go of me.

"Why you so excited in this early morning?" I felt his eyes on me as I scurried to my dresser.

"I .... I will go to town with Sophia and Anna."


"Shopping! Also I want to see Agra, explore it and maybe meet some people..." I saw concern in Edmund's eyes. "Can I.....?"

He flashed his gentle smile again. "Sure, you can. Don't ask me permission for so silly things. Do you want to buy something for yourself too?"

"Uhmmm... I don't know what I really want..."

"Here..." He placed his wallet in my palm. "Make sure you get something, that catches your eye."

It felt so weird to hold the money... his money. I have never owned a single coin. I felt very overwhelmed and unsure of what I should do.

"Don't come back unless you have got a decent present for yourself."

Edmund has come close to me and looked at my blue eyes intently. His heavy hands rested on my shoulders. My heart was beating hard and I was sure he felt it. 

I felt a soft peck placed on my cheek, his lips warm.... touch full with emotions.

"Hurry up. And..... be careful!" Edmund whispered.

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now