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"I don't want to sound rude or anything, but could we hear about your life as a slave?" Scarlet asked after some time of pondering in silence.

All four of us were sitting on the balcony, basking in the blinding morning sun as the soft breeze swept the silky white curtains near us. The atmosphere was idyllic and surreal – the calmness and fresh air, the scent of flowers from the garden beneath nudged our senses. I laid in the rocking chair and swayed my legs playfully. I was happy. For some period of time, nothing troublesome has happened for which I was beyond thankful.

Scarlet's question snapped me out of daydreaming phase, where I was in. I didn't blame her for being interested in my past. It wasn't a secret anymore.

"Uhmm... A lot of things has happened. What do you want to know?"

"When did you become a slave?" She was being cautious. "I have never had a slave or anyone of my family or friends had owned one. I am surprised such thing still exists. What kind of people would like to have a slave?"

"People who enjoy seeing the suffering of others," I whispered under my nose. "Since my birth, I have been a part of the slave world. They don't care if you are just a child or an old person, they expect only one thing from you, complete obedience. You work with no reward, with no time to rest, until you can no more."

I remembered all the people and previous owners who hurt me and made my life miserable.

Scarlet and Margaret awed in disbelief, but Victoria didn't seem fazed at all.

"It sounds horrible. How could a sane person do such things to another, especially to a child?" Said Margaret.

"And ... I suppose Edmund was the one who freed you, right?" A shy girls smile crept up on Scarlet's face. Victoria sighed heavily beside me.

I averted my eyes from the romance story awaiting girls. It wasn't like Edmund made my life hell, but he didn't free me until recently.

"I was his slave for a long time."

The silence consumed our little resting place as if my friends didn't expect for such reality.

"But he was the one who made my life different. Edmund treated and saw me as something else, then a slave."

"Either way, it still sounds like a fairytale to me. A slave marrying the most powerful and handsome young gentleman in the lands." Scarlet giggled. "Don't get me wrong, I am so happy about you Thea, that your life has turned for a better one."

Her sincere words warmed me up.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Asked Margaret.

"No, nothing important." I gave her a questionable glance.

"Would your highness mind to go shopping with us?"


I remembered the last time I ventured out, bought gifts and got scolded by Edmund. Also, it wasn't that I was interested in shopping in general. I felt content and didn't think I need something else. I had everything I ever wanted.

A soft nudge from beside woke me up. Victoria smiled with a sheepish grin, seemingly excited about something.

"Don't deny the luxury of treating yourself with something nice."

"Sorry, I just have a bad feeling about it. The last time I was allowed to spend money, lead me to disaster."

"It was the last time. In this instance, it will be different. No need to dwell in the past."

Victoria's was always sending vibes of arrogance and spoiled girl's gestures, but now, that I knew she wished me no harm, I began to see the wisdom and caring nature of her, even if it was so subtle, that an ordinary person or passerby wouldn't notice. She gave me the hope, that not every noble, arrogant looking woman is a snake ready to strike.

"It will be fun!"

The girls seemed truly excited about our plans and I tried to ease my anticipation for the unpleasant experience. Nothing could go wrong, I said to myself.

"Will Cristina come too?"

"Most likely yes. She loves to spend time here in the castle." Margaret said.

"Yeah, but she has never specified what she enjoys here - our company, the view or maybe the presence of our king?" Scarlet giggled mentioning the last word.

"She better not. He has enough woman in his life. Few more and he will go insane." Victoria added with coldness in her voice and the most serious face expression.

"I doubt a few women can lead a man to insanity. It's not like we are evil and ill-minded witches."

Scarlet was being very unserious. She thought of such things as nonsense, but I knew what Victoria meant. Edmund has not gotten the best experiences meeting the noble women, with a secret agenda, which he hates the most. Not his mother nor Maria had proven the pure intentions, that some might hold in their heart. The drama is not for him and where are women, there always are problems.  He has learned his lessons and if he hasn't, the more unpleasant emotions will be unleashed and people will suffer.

"I don't know how Edmund will be holding on." Victoria seemed very concerned. "It's not enough with Maria, but her father is stirring things up as well. He is not going easy on him. Because of rejecting Maria or some other things, he has pulled out his family tricks. I am worried."

"Family tricks? What do you mean?" Scarlet was clueless.

"Her father might do anything to change Edmund's mind or if not, make his life miserable."

"But he is a king. No one can deal with it and face no obstacles."

"I am fearing for that reason. He might become the fairest ruler or the cruelest tyrant if played with his emotions."

"Victoria, you are scaring me. No way our gentleman Edmund can be so cruel and unfair."

"Silly girls, you have the wrong perception of Edmund."

Born to rule ('Born to be a slave' sequel)Where stories live. Discover now