Chapter 24:The Bet

Start from the beginning

You and Jaune nod and get back to work mixing and making pancakes. While you were left wondering if Jaune and Ren were right about Velvet...

Small Time-Skip

After a while, all the pancakes were finally made...and boy did you make a lot of them...Ren takes out a few bottles of syrup from the fridge as Jaune takes a seat near the dining table.

Jaune: (Sighs) I can't believe you can do this every day, Ren.

Ren: (Sets the syrup on the table) It's just like Y(N) said, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

You took out some dishes and utensils from the cupboards and set them on the table as Ren started washing the dirty pans.

Jaune: (Holding a closed syrup bottle) Who wants to do the honors of waking everyone up?

Y(N): I'll do it. Ruining someone's sleep time is my favorite activity in the morning.

Jaune hands you the syrup bottle as he takes off his apron. You slowly unravel the closed bottle and pop the cap open.

Nora: (In the distance) PANCAKES!!!

Ren: Here she comes...

In an instant, you hear a bedroom door crash open and watch as Nora rushes toward the dining hall. In an instant, she grabs the bottle of syrup from your hand as she piles a multitude of pancakes on her plate.

Nora: GOOD MORNING! (She crushes the bottle of syrup as it leaks onto her stack of pancakes)

Y(N)/Ren/Jaune: Morning.

Ren and Jaune took off their aprons and sat down at the table while you washed your hands. You sense as Ruby and Blake enter the room.

Ruby: Oooohhh! Pancakes for breakfast! (She sits at the table and looks at you) Nice apron, Y(N).

Y(N): ...Thanks...

Blake: (She looks at the stack of pancakes) How long did it take you to make all this?

You wipe your hands and turn to Blake.

Y(N): About an hour. We needed to make enough for everyone, so it took longer than we thought. (You take off your apron and set it to the side)

Blake notices a smudge on your face so she picks up the towel and wipes your cheek.

Blake: (Slightly blushes) You missed a spot.

Y(N): Thank you... Now go have some breakfast before Nora eats it all.

Blake nods and sits next to Ren as he slowly eats a pancake. Then you see Weiss and Pyrrha walk into the room.

Weiss: Are those pancakes? Well, I guess it's better than a regular breakfast. (She sits next to Nora)

Ruby: (Muffled) So dewiciouss!

Pyrrha: (Sits next to Ruby) Make sure to chew before you speak, Ruby.

Ruby quickly nods as you open the fridge and set down a carton of milk next to Ruby.

Jaune: Uhhh, where's Yang?

Y(N): Probably still sleeping.

Ruby: She's quite the heavy sleeper, she once slept through an entire earthquake.

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