Chapter 46:The End Of An Era(Part 2)

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Author's Note:

First of all, let me be the first to say that I'm sorry for not releasing this chapter soon enough.

Originally this chapter was meant to be much longer, around 30,000 words, but I'll spare you readers by splitting this part and to give you fellows something to read while I'm working on the latest chapter.

It's almost done, the backstory is finally almost done, ladies and gentlemen. All I ask is just for a little bit more time and patience on your end.

I'm still planning on finishing this current volume sometime early next year.

Anyway, I hope you all will enjoy this chapter and the next one coming up soon.

If this chapter and the next one come out as good as I had hoped, then it is thanks to SIN_Devil_Trigger for giving for giving me the motivation and ideas for this chapter. I'm very thankful for his words and advice, they most certainly helped me in more ways then one in the long run. I'm dedicating this chapter and the upcoming one to him... Thank you once again, my friend. I appreciate you a lot for not only your comments, but your genuine advice.

Either way, please enjoy this chapter and of course, I appreciate all questions and form of honest criticism alike.

Lenora Academy: Nearing Night-Time

With the luminous sun slowly passing beyond the horizon, a blissful and euphoric scenery paved the large manor as a silent breeze rushed throughout the open landscape. One by one, orange leaves fell across the area, few being blown away in different directions, others simply falling easily to the ground, and others blown away to an entire new destination... Yet this was just another cycle of life. Even when the great tree's lose all their leaflet's, as empty as they may appear to be, they will regrow in time, more wondrous and greater than the prior. Sometimes one has to fall and lose something of value, before they can realize the true growth that has started in their life... With an End comes a whole new Beginning... But, whether that new start will be good or bad, beneficial or not, will be up to the individual themselves to pave their new path and decide what they truly want in life... No one can make that decision for you... Sometimes you must make a crucial decision all on your own without the help or advice of others... It is difficult, but you will be stronger for it...

Y(N) Narration: (His next words seem to be said with an unparallel sense of grief) Forgive me, my friends... But, I don't have the strength to speak of what will happen next... It hurts too much to even think about it... Instead, I will observe with you all... Hoping and wishing that events had turned out differently, yet knowing that the outcome won't change... Even with all my power, I am helpless to change the past, no matter how much I truly wish to do so... What you will all see soon is a monumental change that truly paved the way for the man I am today.

Everyone that laid witness to Y(N)'s backstory besides Blake, truly had no idea what was going to happen very soon now... But, just from hearing their friend's tone of voice... It was quite unnerving as the anticipation only gradually rose higher with every passing moment... Something monumental drew itself closer and closer as the next scene of the story began to play out...

Nearing the front entrance to the academy, the Saiyan King with Lucille holding tightly onto him, slowly descended onto the grassy landscape. The King himself held onto every package and delivery quite carefully as he softly lowered Lucille onto the ground. The moment they landed safely, the King carefully placed all the food-related items down in a careful manner.

Lucille: (Sighs in relief) Oh, thank goodness! You have no idea just how close I was to barfing on the way back. (Takes a breath before speaking) Even now my stomach feels as if it has tied itself into a knot. (She diverts her attention to her mate) Can we please just walk together next time like a normal couple?

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