Chapter 57

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A/N: Before we start with this chapter I just want to get to know you guys a bit. :) Who is your BTS bias? Where are you from? And how old are you? I'm just curious. ^^  About me: My bias is Yoongi, I'm from Germany and right now 20 years old (born 1998).

Okay let's get started!


You are the psycho!

~A few weeks later~

It's been a few weeks since you ran away from the hospital after the incident with Taehyung. And right now you are in custody awaiting trial.

It didn't take long until the police suspected you when they found Taehyung in your hospital room. The hospital staff reported that you hectically ran out of the hospital building and then spot Taehyung in your room.

So, you went from being a kidnap victim to the lead suspect of a murder case.

At this point, you don't even know what's real and what's not anymore. The only thing you know is that Taehyung's last words were true, You are the psycho.

Right now you are sitting in your cell, waiting for the trials, hoping that the court will believe that you are crazy which might reduce your sentence but you don't even have a lawyer yet.

You are sitting on the cold floor of your temporary cell and sigh heavily while reconsidering everything. Then, your cell door opens. You look up and see one of the policemen. "There is a visitor that wants to see you.", he says.

You scoff to yourself, last time you got a visitor, you apparently killed him.

"Alright.", you mumble. He nods and takes a step to the side, revealing a familiar female. There is Thalia who looks at you with a pitiful expression. "Okay, you have 10 minutes.", the policemen announces.

Thalia steps into the pathetic looking room and approaches you. She crouches down in front of you and you look at each other. "Hey.", she says softly. You exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Hi...", you reply.

"How are you doing?", she asks while sitting down comfortably. "I apparently killed someone and now wait to be put into jail, so yeah...", you answer. She seems like she wants to say something but remains quiet.

"And you? What have you been up to recently?", you ask her to get rid of the awkward silence. "Pretty okay for the given circumstances.", she replies and you just nod, happy that not even more bad stuff happened.

There it is again, the awkward silence. "So, do you believe it?", you ask out of the blue. "Believe what?", Thalia questions. "Do you believe that I actually killed Taehyung?" She gives you a weak smile, hiding her actual sadness.

"To be entirely honest with you (Y/N)... Yeah, I do believe it.", Thalia admits and you look at her with widened eyes. "After you got hit on your head by Jungkook real bad, you just... went bonkers, I guess. You started thinking Taehyung was your kidnapper and-" she wants to list more things apparently but you interrupt her: "What do you mean I thought Taehyung was my kidnapper? He really kidnapped me."

"(Y/N), no... When we first met, you told me that Yoongi was your kidnapper and that you had to pretend to be his girlfriend. After Jungkook hit you real bad you were just ... out of it. You suddenly insisted that Taehyung was your kidnapper and Yoongi was the nice guy.", she tries to explain.

You look at her and feel your whole body shaking. "I-I don't understand. That doesn't make sense! It was Taehyung, I swear! He kidnapped me!", you say with your voice cracking at the end.

"(Y/N), I'm not judging you for everything that happened, you went to hell and back and you were just out of it but... I'm sorry Taehyung wasn't your kidnapper.", she trails off.

"How can you be so sure?! Like, do you have any proof?!", you exclaim on the verge of tears. Thalia sighs. "Well... Let me put it like this, since the day you and me got freed from Jungkook, Yoongi has been missing."

"W-What?", you ask in a shaky voice. "Yeah, it's as if he vanished off the face of the earth. He is just gone and no one knows where he went.", she tells you. "M-Maybe something happened to h-", you want to suggest but she is quick to interrupt: " I'm sorry (Y/N), but he is on the run..."

"Fuck...", you breathe and think about everything again. And then, realization hit you like a truck. You stare at Thalia with widened eyes, your hands visibly shaking. "D-Does that m-mean...", you begin. "Huh?", Thalia asks with a raised eyebrow. "Does that m-mean, Taehyung was actually i-innocent?" She smiles at you painfully and weakly and then nods.

That was it. That was the last straw. You broke down into tears and eventually you have a panic attack. You hyperventilate and hear Thalia calling for help before everything turns black for you.

(time skip)

You wake up again and notice you are lying on a bed inside a white room. A nurse comes into the room and notices that you are awake. "Oh, you are up. You had a panic attack and are inside the infirmary right now.", the nurse says and you just nod in response.

A few moments later, a policeman comes into the room. "(Y/N) (L/N)?", he says and you look up at him. "Someone provided you a lawyer.", he announces. "Who?", you wonder, not sure who might do that. "Anonymous.", he continues and you nod, knowing that asking more would be pointless.

"The lawyer would like to have a talk with you about the upcoming trials. Is that okay?", he asks and you again just nod.

A few moments later a man wearing a suit steps into the room. He looks quite motivated when approaching you. When he stands in front of you, he holds out his hand for you to shake it and you do.

He hands you his business card and you examine it. You have heard about this lawyer already. This is one of South Korea's best lawyers. He is famous for winning almost every case.

"Hello, I heard about your case and I can already tell you that we will get you out of this. Don't worry. There is just one simple thing you have to follow, leave the talking to me in court and we will be fine, alright?", the lawyer explains. "Okay.", you mumble.

"Great, now see you in court then!", he says. "I guess...", you mumble while he is already leaving the room again. You wonder, who managed to get you such a famous lawyer.

(time skip to the day of court)

You are right now sitting in the big court room, right next to you is your lawyer. Everyone is just waiting for the judge now. You are a bit nervous but it could be way worse, even though your life basically depends on what will happen in a bit. "Like I said, just leave the talking to me and it will be alright.", your lawyer says once again.

Then, the judge enters the room. He sits down at his judge's seat, puts on his glasses and sorts all the paper in front of him first. He clears his throat and then looks up at everyone.

"Today we are here because of the homicide of Kim Taehyung with the lead suspect being (Y/N) (L/N).", the judge says and at the end looking at you.

This is the moment when everything replays inside your head. Everything that happened to you, everything you did and now you are nervous but then you quickly made a decision.

"Okay, first of all-", the judge wants to continue but then he notices you raised your hand. "Uhm, yes (L/N), you may speak.", he announces. You clear your throat. "What are you doing? I told you to leave the talking to me!", your lawyer whisper-yells, inaudible to everyone besides you.

You ignore him, stand up and take a deep breath. You remember your conversation with Thalia and you look the judge directly into the eyes and just say what you think has to be said:

"I plead guilty."

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